Mutant Vampire Zombies from the 'Hood!
Mutant Vampire Zombies from the 'Hood!
| 18 May 2010 (USA)
Mutant Vampire Zombies from the 'Hood! Trailers

MUTANT VAMPIRE ZOMBIES FROM THE 'HOOD! follows an unlikely group of inner-city survivors who fight to flee a city now free of gang-bangers, but infested with blood-sucking, sex-starved zombies instead. C. Thomas Howell plays the last man standing in the L.A.P.D. who must team up with the survivors of two rival street gangs as they fight their way across the city to the home of a brilliant scientist and his beautiful and brilliant daughter.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Chris Mackey (guestar57) Written and Directed by: Thunder Levin.Really enjoyable fright flick with some laughs,Very much like ZOMBIELAND.Feels like a Blaxploitation rift by a Tarantino or Fred Williamson.Enjoyed the Urban feel when seems most types of these films take place in a small town or remote,These sets ARE NOT out of the way,'You are Knee Deep In URBAN DECAY !' More than adequate cast including -C. Thomas Howell ( Asylum Studios alum nowadays) and GregAlan Williams ( From BAYWATCH TV) and Johanna Watts ( Soon to be be seen in American BATTLESHIP) brings a realness into a Mutant,Vampire& Zombie environ.Sound track was pretty good with VITAL,Doing most of the soundtrack justice.Some nice lines of dialogue and some borrowed to great effect.
yeodawg Now in Gangs of the Dead, rival Mexican and black gangs and assembled arm-candy or gun malls are doing a drug deal in a warehouse that gets busted by the cops. Things go wrong on the outside and they must join forces to fight off the surrounding zombie horde. Here its black and wanna-b-black Asian gangs. Apparently the slang talking Asians kidnapped the black gang member's girl friend in order to deal drugs with them. The deal sours a zombie comet hits earth, but instead of a castle siege it's a running gun battle black-hawk down style…C. Thomas Howell who was in that south rampart show (which NBC will go to hell for canceling) is slumming as usual, his usual black side kick cop. Apparently its okay to do racist stereotypical depictions of minorities if you stick a bandanna on them and call them gang-members. I think one of the black gang-members was that rapper "MYSTIKAL". Sticking to the true ROMERO they have to learn to shoot the Zombies in the head. All news is coming from the lone TV (the black guy from "Bay-Watch nights") and it's about how people react to each other during this catastrophic disaster.
miss_deth_addict As I said in the title of this review don't let the rating of this movie fool you, it's a good and I mean really good B-series zombie movie...The title made me not want to see it... made me expect rap all the way trough the movie... Well there was very little rap involved and the music was so well chosen it blended into the movie in the most outstanding way (personally I think that if you can watch a movie without the music striking you it mean it was well chosen to fit the mood of the movie).I was expecting mindless gangstas who are barely more intelligent than the zombies but again I was wrong the main characters are well developed and act like real human beings and not like wannabe rap stars who live for their ''beef'' (wich made me very happy cause as a zombie flick fan I'm fed up with black guys who are either stupid gangstas or badassery made human with barely any personality).Plus this movie has every thing that so many other zombie movies lack, a good explanation of what caused the zombie outbreak, a conversation about zombie movies in a zombie flick, gangstas that put aside their ''beef'' when they have to survive, just enough stupid stuff to make it funny but not to much, just enough badassery and to top it all decent actors.
dcb-4 I was one of the fortunate few who got an invitation to an advance screening of "Mutant Vampire Zombies from the 'Hood." Like so many of you out there I have been waiting for this one for about a year, and with much trepidation. I think we were all hoping for the best, but fearing the worst. Well, I'm happy to report that these Mutant Vampire Zombies deliver. KeiKabou Holland and Maxie J. Santillan Jr. practically steal the movie, while Johanna Watts and Tyshawn Bryant ground the film with strong, believable performances. In fact, all the gang members are terrific--my only caveat is that their screen time is too brief. The script by Thunder Levin and George Saunders is fun--think more along the lines of an R-rated "The Mummy" than "Shaun of the Dead"--and Thunder's direction keeps the story going at a hurried pace. There's never a dull moment. The zombies look great, the action is crisp and the laughs work in all the right places. After all the waiting, I was happy to see that "Mutant Vampire Zombies from the 'Hood" lives up to the pure hokum fun its name implies.