Mutant Girls Squad
Mutant Girls Squad
| 22 May 2010 (USA)
Mutant Girls Squad Trailers

Rin a young high school student is your everyday awkward girl who gets bullied by her fellow students. On her 16th birthday, Rin gets an unexpected surprise: she finds out that she is, on her father's side, a half-mutant.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
suite92 This film is far better than the hideous Tokyo Gore Police (2008) with its terribly poor production values. Besides the camera work, the sound, and the screenplay being so much better, there is even a bit of acting in Mutant Girls Squad. There were some borrowed pieces from the earlier film: breasts spewing acid, samurai style police garb, dismembered forearms used as intelligent projectiles.Cinematography: 9/10 Sufficient light, clear focus, reasonable framing. Occasional jumpy camera work, and some fits of 90% of the screen being overexposed badly.Sound: 8/10 Good enough. I can hear the actors, and the incidental music is not too irritating. The Foley for combat seems only a little exaggerated.Acting: 5/10 Has its ups and downs.Screenplay: 7/10 The plot progresses in a fairly connected fashion: shock to revenge to realization to rebellion to resolution.Special Effects: 7/10 Lots of bright red blood splatter. Curious choices in CGI for dismembering bodies and slicing heads into layers. Bizarre tentacle rape, female mutant violating male soldier. Of course, the long sword up the reverse direction of the GI track is just as shocking. The nose guns on the anti-mutant soldiers were somewhat amusing, but not convincing.
Vincent Black This movie is a typical "tongue and cheek" Japanese satire of X-Men. The film features ridiculous governmental soldiers wearing nose cannons, borderline offensive content that may not be suitable for everybody. The type of silly effects, when a body gets a head or limb chopped off, 10 gallons of vivid red blood issues from the wound. The story is absurd in the extreme, when the protagonist Rin has her 16th birthday, she not only discovers she is a mutant but both her parents are murdered by the government! This alone is a prime example of how silly and elaborate the story quickly becomes. I guess one could draw a comparison to Peter Parker getting bit by a spider and his Uncle being shot all at once. It would seem that not only is it a requirement to have superpowers one must also have a super tragedy to re-examine their part in the universe. Rin in this aspect is no exception, with people from her home town wanting to skin her and mount her on display at the local mall. Then meeting a weird group of girls led by a slightly demonic kabuki figure. Lots of cheesy effects, blood, guts, and gore, makes this movie a laugh riot. The boss fights are very confusing with the viewer wondering who they should be cheering on to victory. With weapons like an ass chainsaw and boob swords this is not a family friendly film. I viewed this subtitled on Netflix this month.
JoeB131 This film was strange, and honestly, whenever something from Japan appears in my mailbox thanks to what is left of Blockbuster, I find myself scratching my head.The plot is that a schoolgirl discovers she has the strange power to turn part of her body into a weapon. After slaughtering the residents of a local shopping mall, she is taken in by others of her her kind, called HILKO, who are apparently a subspecies of humanity with strange "treasures" including having odd things pop out of parts of your body you wouldn't expect them to.The movie's climax involves the HILKO destroying most of their members (isn't it hard to reproduce as a species if you kill all your young females?) in largely pointless attacks on regular Japanese folks before the few surviving ones get into a pointless, over the top battle.I'm not sure if this is supposed to be an action film or a comedy film.
dbborroughs Let's start with test to see if you should even bother with this film.Ask yourself do you want to see a bloody riff on the X-men about human mutants who band together to fight humanity where they have super powers like a chainsaw that shoots out their bottom or swords for breasts? Will you find your self offended by very low brow but very very funny humor at the expense of everyone and everything? And about the blood, does oceans of it spraying out in a way over the top manner bother you? If you answered yest to the first question and no to the second two then this movie is for you.This is a very wrong (in a very right sort of way) film about a 16 year old girl who is hunted down by the government for being a mutant and ends up with a band of mutants who are fighting humans. Its a wild over the top film that makes fun of so many things its hard to say what they all are- and besides why tell you since you'll want to see this for yourself.I'm not a huge fan of the Japanese gore films like this but some how the this film works in spades. The plot moves, the effects are great and nothing is way too serious, everything has a silly edge. Granted seeing this in a room full of cranked up people at the international premiere at the New York Asian Film Festival added to the enjoyment, but even so this is still a perfect blend of comedy, gore and horror.I loved it. To me this is the best of the genre and a must see. If you like films like Tokyo Gore Police or Machine Girls this film is for you. If not stay away.