Murder in the Music Hall
Murder in the Music Hall
NR | 10 April 1946 (USA)
Murder in the Music Hall Trailers

An orchestra leader turns sleuth to clear his ice-skating girlfriend for murder.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
mark.waltz That Czechlosovakian skating bombshell known as Vera Hruba Ralston is headlined in this murder mystery with a skating background, but other than having been in the victim's apartment some hours before and supposedly blackmailed, she really doesn't do much. Along with four other women (Helen Walker, Nancy Kelly, Ann Rutherford and Julie Bishop), she's trying to dig up clues to clear herself, but is definitely guilty of being one of the biggest non-actresses of the 1940's and 1950's, a title that the expanded to of the 20th century as time passed. Husband and Republic studio chief Herbert Yates was the Irving Thalberg to her Norma Shearer, as well as the William Randolph Hearst to her Marian Davies. Unlike Norma and Marian, however, Ralston was never a box office star; In fact, she was rather unpopular, and few of her films are available commercially.Still, no expense was sparred in trying to make her a star, and the budgets of her films are pretty impressive for coming from a second rate studio. This isn't a challenging role for her to play, and when husband Yates insisted on serious roles for his wife, the results are rather laughable. A skating number with her in Roman/Greek costumes is lavish looking but staid. William Marshall is handsome but bland as the beau helping Ralston. The women in the supporting roles come off better, although in these circumstances isn't tough to do.
Leslie Howard Adams And nothing in the film indicates otherwise. But it is overrun with ice-skaters and hacked-off former ice-skaters. Dang, you'd think there was only one Music Hall in the world.This one has Lila Leighton (Vera Hruba Ralston), the lovely ice ballerina, meeting Carl Lang (Edward Norris), former ice-show producer, at his New York City penthouse apartment, from which one might have been able to see Radio City Music Hall if the film had been shot on location in New York rather then Republic Studios in the San Fernando Valley, but it wasn't. Lia refuses Lang's offer to star in his new Music Hall Ice Show---no this isn't the Ice Capades, either---and takes her leave.Back at "this" Music Hall, Lila discovers she has left her purse at Lang's apartment and returns there, and is followed by orchestra-leader Don Jordan (William Marshall.) There, they discover that Carl has been stabbed to death, probably by somebody using a knife. Gracie (Ann Rutherford), Lila's pert-and-pretty understudy, has also followed them there (don't read too much in that), and helps them remove traces of Lila's visit, an indication that she may have left more than her purse.They also find a pair of kid-gloves (made from a goat kid and not belonging to a human kid), and the laundry mark leads Don to Rita Morgan (Nancy Kelly), wealthy socialite, wife of George Morgan (not the singer for those who jump to assumptions), and Rita turns out to be a former ice-skating star for Carl Lang's Music Hall shows. Rita 'fesses right up about being in Lang's apartment but says he was in excellent health when she left, and says she passed no one except a blind man.By some means or another Don and Lila discover that the 'blind man' was really Rita's husband, George Morgan (Jerome Cowan), who claims he used the disguise in order to trail and protect his wife. He may or may not be guilty but in most films Jerome Cowan shows up in, he either did it or he will solve it, other than in "The Maltese Falcon," in which he did neither. By this time, the NYC police are on the case, and with the help of Don and Lila, succeed in solving the murder.Director John English didn't pay any attention to the urging of Associate Producer Herman Millakowsky and co-screenplay writer Laszlo Gorog to give this one a "European Touch," and, consequently, came away with 84 minutes (unless one has the TV-edited short version) of a good straight-ahead mystery meller.
MARKROXY Please be aware that this film has nothing to do with the Radio City Music Hall! As an archivist re: the Music Hall..I know what is and what is not associated with the New York venue. The film's Theodore is just the "Music Hall." No Rockettes are in the film. Only wonderful ice skaters plus superb actors and fun. Just thought you would like to know. Truly a wonderful film. You will never guess who the 'murderer' is while watching this film....till the very end. What a superb plot and beautiful ice skating. One never sees that kind of performances any more. The Roxy Theater and the Center Theatres, in New York city, had ice skating performances on stage!
sdiner82 Along with virtually every Republic Picture ever made, "Murder in the Music Hall" seems to have undeservably faded into oblivion. A shame, because this lusciously produced, expertly directed and written, and crafty mystery-suspense item spins an enticing whodunnit thriller against the setting of Radio City Music Hall. A murder in one of the building's posh penthouse apartments casts suspicion on the luscious Rockettes--among them, Vera Ralston (who besides giving an appealing performance of subtlety and vulnerablity, provides a few dazzling ice-skating production numbers), Helen Walker, Ann Rutherford, Julie Bishop, and several other delectable B-movie starlets of the '40s. Tall, blond and handsome William Marshall (usually cast in musicals) hunts down the killer as the complex and increasingly creepy plot unfolds, against the swankiest settings you'll ever see in a film noir. The ending is as much of a surprise as is this sadly forgotten, classy murder mystery. Well-worth restoring and reviving on cable-TV, VHS or DVD. Republic sank a hefty budget in this Grade-A production, and "Murder in the Music Hall" is as slick, unnerving, and immensely enjoyable as any of the major studios' films of its era. POSSIBLE SPOILER: Pay attention to the rhapsodic song composed by the victim just before his death. Then, amidst the showgirls' incessant chattering in their dressing rooms, try to pinpoint the one humming that fatal melody. You'll discover who the killer is just as William Marshall does. Grand fun, the kind of movie they truly don't make anymore, and what a loss--both to movie-goers and actors alike.
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