Murder by Music
Murder by Music
R | 01 January 1976 (USA)
Murder by Music Trailers

Katharine Milford commits suicide by jumping out the window. Her brother, Richard refuses to believe the police story about suicide, and when it is discovered that more people had contact with Katharine died in the same way he starts a private investigation, which leads the man into Londons 'dirtiest hippie clubs. It seems that music is the common factor in all suicide - or was it murder?

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
christopher-underwood My copy of this Spanish/Italian co-production, directed by the Spaniard,Julio Buchs, is titled, 'Murder by Music'. A lovely, ridiculous title that surely can have no pertinence to the story. But yes, it does! The more sombre sounding 'Trumpets' title refers to the actual piece of music that we are asked to believe can do the deadly deed. So far, so fun but although we get two deaths before the credits there is nothing particularly sensational going on and although we get some dance sequences, this becomes a plodding who dunnit. The fact that my print carried an English dub added to the feel of this being some 'Inspector of the Yard', Agatha Christie yarn rather than a full on giallo. Indeed there is barely a sex or bloody moment and disturbingly we actually get a couple of old fashioned 'romantic interludes'. The cast perform well and Romina Power impresses. I see that over the years she did not make more than twenty films, even though one was a Jess Franco and that she is still working today. It is a novel film but just a little bit irritating.
Darkling_Zeist The undeniably groovy 'Las Trompetas Del Apocalipsis (1969) (aka) Murder by Music is somewhat of a curate's egg; as with most gialli it is positively agog with laboured McGuffins, and is, again, festooned with an atypically absurd premise; in this case the fug-headed scribe suggests that a certain piece of esoteric music is able to engender such a profoundly distressing malaise in the listener, that the desperate individual must immediately hurl himself bodily from the nearest window after listening to it. (this is clearly a prototype for Katy Perry's indigestible, saccharine horrors!) It must be noted that all said victims are fortuitously close to a high enough window that would cause a permanent case of death, should one take the final plunge,as it were. Much of the film has a gloomy, almost Edgar Wallace- style view of London: dingy backstreet's; even dingier bars enlivened with funky, ass-swinging psychedelic pop, and primordial-looking opium den lend the film a wildly expressionistic feel, which captures the tale end of the sixties as a beatnik apocalypse!The welcome groove is supplied in mammoth doses by Gianni Ferrio's sublime score, a personal fave of mine, and he certainly doesn't disappoint with his wall-to-wall psyche-hippie-funk. For those more jaded gialli fans who require their sleazy celluloid entertainments to include a plethora's of squeaky, be-gloved, ice-cool razor slashing into hot nubile flesh will be wholly disappointed, as this seems to be more of an anti-drugs polemic than a slinky extravaganza of high-octane misogyny.
MARIO GAUCI The Italian title for this Spanish-Italian co-production, I CALDI AMORI DI UNA MINORENNE (which literally translates to "The Hot Loves Of A Minor") leads one to expect a mildly saucy sex comedy which proliferated in the Italian cinema between the late 60s and early 80s; the presence in the cast of Tyrone Power's daughter, Romina - who had previously appeared in the title role of Jesus Franco's MARQUIS DE SADE'S JUSTINE (1968) - only adds to this impression. However, what we actually get is something a lot different and even less appetizing. As it happens, despite being top-billed, Power's role is only secondary, and serves only as a red herring to boot. The plot deals with an inexplicable spate of suicides among London's Swinging 60s hippie youths and the subsequent investigation by one of the victims' brother among the underbelly of dope-addled, peace-loving, long-haired freaks who go by such tell-tale names as "The Fool", "The Prophet", "The Romanian", etc. Ultimately, the film isn't entirely disagreeable to watch, thanks in no small measure to its horrendously dated 'hipness', awful would-be psychedelic songs and risible dialogue. Apparently, the moral of the piece is that listening to music while under the influence of drugs eventually leads to suicide! Go figure...
theslowwizard This movie is a pathetic mystery/thriller with anti-drug and anti-hippy overtones. A slightly interesting premise (a drug that forces you to commit suicide when you hear a certain piece of music), that is completely ruined by a director with no eye for suspense or drama. The characters are developed terribly and it is impossible to care about anything they do. The mystery is only slightly engrossing and the payoff at the end of the movie is only heightened due to the extremely dull buildup.Ohhhh, I urge you, do not watch this drivel. If this ever gets a proper American release, AVOID it at all costs.