Mrs. Washington Goes to Smith
Mrs. Washington Goes to Smith
| 01 August 2009 (USA)
Mrs. Washington Goes to Smith Trailers

After her husband leaves her for a younger woman, Alice Washington a middle aged mother of two decides to complete her college education at Smith College. She and her 20 year old room mate Zoe Burns share their experiences, conflicts and interest in their poetry professor.

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Beulah Bram A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
jenzaquinn We rented this film because of it's connection to Smith and were sorely disappointed with it from the start in regards to that aspect. I hate it break it to everyone, but the UCLA campus is not a good replacement for Smith's beautiful campus and nothing about it or Westwood look like the grounds, dorms, and classrooms at Smith or the town of Northampton. It's sad that they only felt the need to show actual shots of the college when it was cheaper to get stock video of the snowy campus than to cover the UCLA campus in fake snow. I feel like the screenwriters also didn't do a good job at research (or any research at all) about the feel at Smith and the romantic triangle was ridiculous. Really, they could have picked any sort of all women school and done this movie as the only links it had to Smith was the Ada Comstock program and the mention of one dorm. There was a good deal of the plot that wouldn't have worked if they had done research, like the fact that seniors rarely actually have roommates considering the amount of single rooms and that the Ada Comstock students have a house reserved for their use. The lack of traditions too is sad, even though I know a good deal of the traditions I remember are being phased out, but still, no Illumination night and Ivy day before graduation? Unheard of.All that said, it was a pretty predictable movie and I wish they had focused even more on the Ada Comstock program and the other students in that program. It is inspiring to show that this program is open to people and everything. I just wish they had done more research before slapping Smith College's name all over it.
betsybkendrick Maybe many of you do not appreciate what it is like to be a middle aged woman who is facing empty nest syndrome, and you wonder if life as we know it is over? I saw Mrs. Washington Goes to Smith 3 times. The first time, I wondered - could I do this? The second time I saw it, I watched with my husband and he was proud that I eve considered thinking of going back to college. My 18 year old son said he could see how it would inspire me. My older daughters certainly understood, and both expressed an interest in hoping they may be able to try something like this...they are ages 33 & 36. The last time I watched it, it really planted that seed of hope! I am now a college student majoring in psychology to work with primarily with women on "women's issues" like abuse, menopause problems, chronic pain like fibromylagia, and anorexia...which does affect older women!So, I thank Cybil Shepperd for her wonderful acting in this movie!And, if you do not recall Cybil Shepperd in her modeling days, then it is no wonder some of you are only posting negative comments. She is a beautiful example of a woman positively accepting the aging process with an open mind.Betsy from Georgia
peraas This movie is about a divorce woman goes back to college. She fall in love with her professor. Hallmark has not made movies that is worth watching. Especially this movie. Older woman fall for a younger man, that is gross. 2nd Cybil is too fat and ugly I can't watch it anymore, and I have turn it off.In real life there is no such thing, the younger classmates are friendly, and understanding.Don't waste your time watching this movie. An old woman and a young girl that is remotely impossible.Please, Hallmark find someone better and start making better movie.
scclay74 I saw the title and immediately knew it was a take on the old movie "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." So, I decided I would watch. Imagine my surprise to see a wonderful story unfold before me. Alice Washington (played by Cybill Shepherd) is a recent divorcée who decides she is going to get the degree that she gave up to be a wife and mother 30 years before. In the beginning she is old looking and cranky. Her roommate Zoe (played by Corri English) is wild and exciting and not too thrilled to see her. Over time, they become true friends. You would expect Alice to be overly motherly to Zoe, but that does not happen. Zoe, who is in desperate need of some mothering, learns to accept her roommate and learn a bit about herself in the process.Alice also realizes that she is not too old to love again. She develops a crush for her English professor Mr. O'Neill or Terry (played by Jeffrey Nordling) as she calls him. These are feelings that Terry are more than happy to reciprocate.I found the movie to be simply delightful and cute. Cybill Shepherd is still hot!