Mrs. Cage
Mrs. Cage
| 20 May 1992 (USA)
Mrs. Cage Trailers

A proper matron marches into a police station to announce that she has just shot a fellow shopper in a supermarket's parking lot.

Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
runamokprods Interesting, if stage bound, PBS adaptation of Nancy Barr's play (by the playwright herself. A suburban housewife gets caught up in a crime taking place in front of her in a shopping center parking lot, and ends up shooting in a neighbor in the head in a moment of madness (no spoilers, this is all within the first five minutes). What follows is a slightly surreal, alternately sad and funny pas de deux between Mrs. Cage, and the detective questioning her to try and understand what happened. This could have been stultifying stuff, but two magnificent and perfectly understated performances by Anne Bancroft and Hector Elizondo raise this from self-conscious to being full of life and loss. Director Robert Allen Ackerman sometimes seems to be trying too hard to keep his characters moving around the one set, but he does some nice visual and aural work in combining flashbacks with the present moment. Very surprising this seems to never have been put out on VHS or DVD.
the-waltons-1 Before finding this site, I have spent a great amount of time looking for a video or DVD of this movie. So many people have not even heard of it! I now feel extremely fortunate that I happened to turn on the TV many years ago and was able to see this remarkable film. I feel haunted by it still. I wonder how many references to the 'cage' I missed in the initial viewing. I also understand now that I have my own husband, family, and mortgage and a responsibility to duty that overrides anything I would like for my self, that the 'cage' is confining me. I have very few intellectual outlets and my family usually tries to thwart the ones I have. I too am finding a young man that I admire outside of my cage and know what it is like to dream of freedom.I have a friend who teaches Grade 11 English in Alberta and she told me once she uses the film in class - no matter how many times I ask, she has never come up with a copy for me.Was a video or DVD ever made of this Made for TV movie?
jupiter2-6 I was very lucky to see this beaut. For years, I felt Anne Bancroft's best role was as Annie Sullivan until I sat down to dinner in front of this TV flick. I don't think anyone else could have put a spin on this role better than she did. It was touted as a comedic film but it's hardly that. It's more tragic and melancholy than anything and Anne's performance will wreck you for days. Forget The Graduate, this will make you remember her forever. It's reminiscent of Judy Garland's performance in "A Child Is Waiting," which I feel is the best thing that Garland ever did. It will hit a note with anyone who has felt trapped and unfulfilled or walked upon and needed to strike back.
lousvr I'm not here to write a 1000 word comment, just to say this is just a terrific little story. Anne Bancroft is superb as a happy go lucky food shopper who's keen friendship with a bag boy, results in her losing it, as we all can? She recounts her story to a detective played by Hector, who's wonderful in this supporting role.Unfortunately, sweet little gems like this(broadcast on PBS) are hardly ever available on video nor are they re-broadcast, but be on the lookout, you won't be disappointed.But I'm fast, when I see wonders like this coming, and manage to video tape them. In fact I think I'll watch it again.