Moving Day
Moving Day
| 20 July 2012 (USA)
Moving Day Trailers

Clyde was in a rut. Overworked and underpaid, he was struggling to make ends meet and starting to feel like a failure. But a new day has arrived for Clyde at Redmond's Furniture and with the help of a few of his ex-con, womanizing and boozing co-workers, Clyde is ready to take on his neurotic boss and whatever else stands in his way.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
arfdawg-1 The plot.A group of four men working at a moving company all suffer downfalls, adding to their rough pasts that continue to haunt them. It seems as if none of them will ever accomplish anything in life, and when the moving company starts falling apart, it has a ripple effect and their relationships are the next to go. In order to save the moving company, their relationships and their futures, they must learn how to move forward in life and face their challenges.Made by the guy who originated the brilliant Trailer park Boys.This film is nothing like TPBs. Firstly it's rather slow and very strange.I don't know what to make of it. It threw me for a loop.The movie is more like a deep character study/buddy movie. It was a surprise.I liked it. You might too, but don't expect the TPBs.
michaelafamfulikova This film is marked as comedy, but it is not that funny during the whole length of the film - the first part is a comedy, while the second half is concentrating more on the relationships among main characters - it turns into psychological drama with comedy elements. Shame the first part of the film is not that flowing as the second half. Best acting performance in this film is undoubtedly by Victor Garber, who even in a comedy does not lose his sense for dramatic portrayals of his characters, and uses his ability to express emotions in a very good way. Another word of praise goes to Gabriele Miller as Linda. The other actors are in my opinion not that good. *Spoiler* The end of the film brings tears to eyes. All in all, it is the film, which does not go into history of cinematography as one of the best of all time, yet it is a good way to spend a free time, particularly because of the outstanding performances by Victor Garber and Gabriele Miller.
coynem When this film was recommended to me, I thought it was going to be a slapstick-laden comedy and I was reluctant to start watching it. The first few minutes seem to confirm my worries, but the film shifted under me and became a heartwarming story about Clyde's reassessment of his life and his attempt to make something better of himself.There's a, well, not so much anti-establishment, but more a tone of not having to accept lousy jobs at lousy wages and lousy working conditions and that sometimes we have to be strong enough and brave enough to branch out into the unknown, cast ourselves free from our safety net of stagnation and try something new.At a point when Clyde's only friendship seems to be coming to an end, there's a definite slant towards showing us that every ending can also be considered a new beginning, and sometimes it's only when life is dark that we can see the light leading us to new things and new experiences.I was worried that the ending might throw me for a loop, but the ending was really good and I enjoyed the film greatly.I would watch this again.
sachisamster We get to see quite a number of movies especially related to some sport with underdogs coming on top of the champs but this for me was real life. This could be any one of us at the bottom of the pyramid chasing the middle class dream of a job in the city, better salary, better home , a nice set of wheels etc. Maybe we can throw in a thinner body to the above list since the character Clyde was portrayed to be fat. The other 3, were the stereotypes; a wannabe rock star, a drunkard and the man with a criminal record plus he's black. The character of the boss seems so real, a middle class gentleman, lonely, and trying to project an image of a profitable business by cutting corners which have illegal tendency. The reality portrayed in this movie with the effort being put in to make the characters seem to relevant and close deserves an 8/10.