Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Mother Teresa of Calcutta
G | 19 October 2003 (USA)
Mother Teresa of Calcutta Trailers

The inspirational portrayal of Mother Teresa, a simple nun who became one of the most significant personalities of the 20th Century. Armed with a faith that could move mountains, Mother Teresa followed her calling to help the poor, the lepers, the dying and the abandoned children in the slums of Calcutta, challenging many authorities - including the church - along the way.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
edwagreen Marvelous film showcasing the excellent acting talent of Olivia Hussey. Hard to believe that it's over 35 years since her 1968 interpretation of "Romeo and Juliet."This is an extremely inspiring story of the nun who looked for the most simplicity of life in aiding the impoverished. Her dedication to the suffering of mankind is definitely an inspiration to us all.Not only does the picture beautifully capture what she must endure working among the impoverished, it also shows the problems that she goes through within the Catholic church, accusations of corruption and trying to accomplish her goals in a society that is not accustomed to handle what she wants done.Hussey is simply magnificent in the part of this saintly woman. She has her down to every movement of her walking, talking, etc.Too bad that the film did not bring out that Mother Teresa came from an affluent Albanian family.A wonderful film of the human spirit.
lyricsislife This film is so fantastic. Olivia's portrayal is outstanding! She plays it in such a real unaffected way, really a masterful performance! The film's two most beautiful characteristics, in my opinion, are that it's not a big-budget Hollywood film. It's simple, straightforward and inspiring: which in my opinion is, the way Mother Teresa would have wanted it. And, even though you think it won't, it has this internal power to make you weep when you look around and see the state of the world, and if there were only more people like this in the world, it would be a much better place. See this film. I guarantee you it will inspire you to be a better person.
roac-1 Olivia Hussey has done a great job portraying Mother Teresa in this biopic. Her voice and mannerisms match those that Mother Teresa had. The production values are top notch. The DVD looks excellent on HDTV and the sound track is well scored. Though it wasn't actually filmed in Calcutta - the Shri Lankan locations used have a similar feel and atmosphere. The story focuses on Mother Teresa's struggle with the church leadership to move out to work with the poorest of the poor. A first for a nun - in a city like Calcutta. It deals with her motivation, not in a preachy way. I was moved to tears a couple of times while watching ... felt that the production as a whole was powerful and moving.
Stephen Hitchings Making a film about a religious figure is a perilous enterprise, particularly if the person involved is still alive or recently dead, and even more so when she is one of the outstanding personalities of the twentieth century. Happily this movie has managed to steer very effectively between the opposing dangers of cynicism and over-the-top enthusiasm which are the hallmarks of most religious movies. They have stuck very firmly to the facts, while allowing the personality of Mother Teresa to shine through, effectively revealing her powerful faith, her amazing strength, her heroic charity and self-sacrifice, but also her moments of doubt, weakness and vulnerability. There are few really great religious movies. This could have been one of them. The production is superb, the direction and the acting excellent, and Olivia Hussey does a magnificent job in a very difficult role. What spoils it is the structure: a series of excellent parts which do not really make a very coherent whole. The producers have tried to do too much, to include too many incidents, and as a result the storyline is sadly lacking in continuity. I see from the IMDb notes that the Italian running time is 180 minutes, almost 40% longer than the English language version. Perhaps the problem lies with the editing, and the longer version does a much better job. All I can say is that they should have opted for doing some bits of Mother Teresa's story extremely well rather than attempting the whole thing and botching it.