Monumental: In Search of America's National Treasure
Monumental: In Search of America's National Treasure
PG | 30 March 2012 (USA)
Monumental: In Search of America's National Treasure Trailers

The United States of America is the richest, freest nation the world has ever seen. But nowadays all signs point to the reality of a sickness in the soul of our country, and history tells us that we're headed for disaster if we don't change our course now. Follow Kirk Cameron across Europe and the U.S. as he seeks to discover the people, places and principles that made America the freest, most prosperous and generous nation the world has ever known.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
meggs0 I've never written a review before but it also seems that Mr. Cameron has never seen a documentary before. I admittedly skipped over some points where Cameron is beyond perplexed and where he is subjected to painfully slow, rhetorical questions given in Sunday school format. However, I will attempt to cover some of my personal high and low points without rage quitting like i did this film.The first monumental bowl movement of the film is in the opening where Cameron explains that we are all going to hell in a hand-basket and that the only thing that will set us straight is a revival to God's path and adhering to the saying "one nation under God." The term was only added to the pledge of allegiance in the late 40's or 50's and we all know how diverse and accepting of other cultures America was then. The next three quarters of the film is dedicated to the pilgrims' arduous journey from England, to Holland, back to England, and then the new world in order to seek religious freedom from the Anglican church. The film almost comically takes this in full stride while prescribing religious law and a conjoining of church and state. Without even realizing it, Cameron and company come full circle back to the same environment which drove the Puritans from England. The Puritans were also relatively a small sect in colonial America. Can someone please talk about the Georgia penal colony for a fresh change?Moving on to our forefathers, the film tries to change their beliefs postmortem. They do so by citing that 12 of these heathens financed a commemorative bible and that Thomas Jefferson endorsed the bible as a book to be used in school without the consideration of some simple realities. In the late 1700's and throughout much of the 1800's books were available but scarce. While Bostonians such as Benjamin Franklin had access to immaculate libraries, you're average country bumpkin only had one book, the Good Book. This made the Bible an excellent and accessible tool to cement literacy in the fledgling nation. Why must the founding fathers be Christian anyways? It seems to me that the point of America was that it doesn't matter what you do or do not believe in, all that matters is that you're American and wish to see this great experiment succeed. It seems that Monumental would have the creed read, "One nation under God, but only for the white Anglo-Saxon Protestants.":For the pros- I never knew that Puritan monument in Massachusetts existed. Cool.Also, I've spent five years in a state school and have never f*cking heard of The Godless Constitution once. (That was supposed to make you laugh)Thanks for reading! I'm a Christian!
jefferysikes911 This is one of the most enlightening movies about the American pilgrims, that has ever been filmed. There are discoveries in this movie which will assist Americans with understanding who they are and what their country is founded upon. The film addresses the hardships Americas forefathers endured in order to make it to America. No other documentary about America has ever delved into this much detail concerning its forefathers and their historical past. Those of you who want to know the foundations of America could not pick a better movie to watch and a better foundation for your further research, than this film "Monumental". Every school child in America should be introduced to this film. This film takes you on an exciting journey, and opens your eyes to the history of America's forefathers, what they experienced, what they had to contend with, and how they finally endured the hardships and made it successfully to the shores of what is now Massachusetts. It winds through many countries as well as some states within America, covering some specific history and documentation and finally takes you back to Massachusetts and introduces you to one of the most historical Monuments in America, and one to which most Americans are unaware.
canjoh First off, kudos to Kirk Cameron for speaking truth into the culture at its time of need. I was eager to see this, but waited long after its DVD release before getting around to view it. Unfortunately I found it largely a waste of time.The film is Cameron's look into America's past to answer the crises that face America today. He finds the answers, but the journey is simply not that interesting. He goes to England, Holland, and Massachusetts to learn about the Pilgrims. There's not much new material here for anyone that knows much about the Pilgrims. There are a few anecdotes that are interesting, but the bulk of it is slow and plodding.Cameron speaks with a few authorities on history and Christianity, but few are given much time to say anything of any real insight. If you're a Bible-believing, church-attending Christian, you should already know pretty much everything in this movie. If you don't, you need to find a new church. The content is good, but it is grade-school material. This movie may be a good introduction to the Pilgrims and American history for an elementary-age child, but it is remedial for adults and simply put a waste of time for them.I was greatly disappointed with this film. I would avoid this one. You're much better off reading a good book or going to bed early.
jre-5 It's not a movie, and it may not be the most enjoyable thing to watch. But it's not about entertainment, it's about teaching important items on what made our country what it is, and what we need to turn back to if we are to continue, namely the Bible. For those of you who do not agree, you need to keep an open mind while watching it and really think about it. Even if you do not believe in the Bible and GOD, there is no question about it that it did play an important role in making our country what it is- a fact that is quickly being covered up and forgotten. Kirk Cameron is truly a great guy who went through a lot of work to do this. He has big plans for it, and I pray that it will have an impact on this nation.
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