Miss Lovely
Miss Lovely
NR | 17 January 2014 (USA)
Miss Lovely Trailers

A Hindi feature film set in the lower depths of Bombay's "C" grade film industry. Miss Lovely follows the devastating story of two brothers who produce sleazy horror films in the mid-1980s.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
paul2001sw-1 Making semi-pornographic horror movies in Mumbai in the 1980s was apparently not easy: you needed to pay the police to turn a blind eye, and your available sources of finance weren't necessarily so benign either. 'Miss Lovely' tells the story of two brothers caught up in the industry, one of whom makes two linked errors: he falls in love, and he begins to dream of making a genuinely romantic film with the woman he's fallen for. It sounds like it could be a good film, but mainly, I found it confusing and chaotic - in part, this is intentional (as the world portrayed is also confusing and chaotic), but the lack of clarity and detail in the plotting is ultimately off-putting, and the ending a little abrupt and unfounded. The subject remains promising; but awaits a better treatment.
bobbysing Before talking about the film in details, I would like to draw a clear picture of that era when these 'C' grade films used to make a good amount of money in a hidden manner. In comparative terms, where today you can easily access loads of porn stuff on your computers, phones and tabs due to the limitless internet. There was a time when entertainment was just confined to a few hours of Black & White Doordarshan (from 6pm to 11pm) and the porn stuff was only available through some cheap road- side publications, for instance MASTRAM series (on which another Hindi film is being made to be released soon). Now in those times the moment Ramsay brothers found a new formula of bringing in the audience through their horror movies (in the late 70s), many producers began making films on the similar format including lot of sexy scenes & cheap sequences thrown in deliberately. Soon a separate but substantial market of these 'C' grade films was established and then after it started becoming monotonous or stagnant post a few years, a new illegal way was found to give it a new life.Honestly, I cannot remember any other film revealing this illegal twist in the trend, so clearly before MISS LOVELY. But director Ashim Ahluwalia boldly takes the lead and tells you all about the trick which was widely known as a 'BIT' in the inner circuit of film-makers and theater owners. Now this BIT used to be an illegal insertion of 5 to 10 minutes footage (or even more), randomly added into the running show as per the will of the projectionist, which had nothing to do with the main film at all. The BIT could be of a separate sexual shoot, a part of another bold film or even few scenes of a foreign X rated film acquired illegally. And since the viewers were not sure when the Bit would be coming, so they used to wait till the end and that actually made the show successful in terms of the tickets sold. The 'inside trend' became known to the authorities too after a while and then the Police used to raid such theaters in between the screening to catch them red handed, as rightly shown in the film.So in reality, MISS LOVELY shamelessly takes you on to an exposing tour of that era when 'uncensored porn' used to be an important part of this 'C' grade cinema, mostly shown in the smaller centers. The makers take a good care of its detailing; depicting a particular time period and the narration does work most of the times as per its chosen subject. Interestingly, one can easily spot many nostalgic props in the backdrop such as Black & White televisions, old cameras, radio advertisements (like Natraj Pencil), various models of VCRs and more. Background music makes an intelligent use of few famous songs of those years and dialogues are specifically written with many smaller lines keeping in mind the exact characters of its storyline.Unfortunately, despite all the above mentioned merits, I found the film not hugely engaging and entertaining, offering quite less than what was being expected in real terms. Because as per its novel, interesting and revealing subject, it ideally should have been an enlightening as well as an exciting fun ride, along with being a hard hitting take on that hidden trend in totality. But in the present version, it has a slow pace, which surely affects the viewer's set mindset, formed by all the articles he might have read about the film in the last few months. Yet the director does strongly expose the way young girls get exploited in the darkness behind the flashlights remarkably and the truth remains applicable even in the current decade of the new millennium, quite openly.Hence due to an extremely dark feel, tense settings and a slow paced narration, MISS LOVELY would appeal to only a limited section of audience, appreciating such thoughtful cinema. Plus many might not find what they were looking for in the film due to one basic reason, which in turn should be considered as a compliment for its director, undoubtedly. And the reason lies in the fact that despite being a film made on the subject of all 'C' grade sexual movies of that gone era, the director has never shot his sequences in the same cheap manner and shows a certain kind of elegance even in his scenes dealing with sex, porn or vulgarity. In the performances, Nawazuddin Siddiqui excels in his role of a man with mixed emotions and Anil George is a complete natural as his elder brother. Reportedly Nawazuddin did this movie long before he became the known actor of the present times and that indeed says a lot about his passion for the art and dedication. Niharika Singh plays her part well and so do Zeena Bhatia & Menaka Lalwani in their few scenes. The supporting cast provides good support to the film and I was pleasantly surprised to see the old age 'Indian Idol' contestant too, doing a small role in the film saying a few dialogues. In all, at one end the film is sure going to delight the lovers of meaningful, artistic cinema. Yet on the other it might highly disappoint the ones looking for the same 'C' grade kind of content, the film is focused upon. Nevertheless its basic message comes up pretty clear and straight that exploitation of fairer sex was, is and will remain an ugly part of the show business…………sadly…….forever. But on second thoughts, it is also a two way process based on the concept of 'give & take'……… so you rarely see anyone complaining?
Maria d'souza The film is definitely a game changer in Indian cinema, especially in terms of style and storytelling method. It's like a big messy, juicy novel – loads of different characters, stories, intertwining plots, open ended parts. Of course, I have friends who have complained that the story is too messy, there are too many different "styles", you can't get into it like a "normal" movie – but I tend to disagree, and think that's the point – it is a TOTAL IMMERSION in cinema – with all it's reality and loose ends. It doesn't tie anything up neatly and that could disturb some viewers – it lets it all hang out. But that's what I loved. And I guess finally it's up to individual taste. More disturbing to some is the dark second half – the film is unsparing in it's criticism of the police, the way the jail scenes are shot, and is very bleak when it comes to notions of love and romance. The end is as bleak as it is funny (very dark humour, mind you)– it's like a Bollywood movie with it's innards ripped out. Ending with a song – it's probably the best (and most pessimistic) ending I've seen in a long time.
Harrison Martin Brilliant...just brilliant. An exhilarating movie experience which demands to be seen only on big screen for its incredible visuals which takes you straight into raw and rugged heartland of 1980s Indian sleaze films. Very very entertaining as well and suspense keeps you to the edge of the seat throughout. Though not for people with faint-hearts, Nawaz is excellent in almost every frame and every scene. He is matched however, by the discovery of Anil George (his first film!) as the older brother Vicky. An epic and complex saga spanning decades. I've never seen anything like this.Watching Nawaz on big screen wasn't just watching a movie but an experience. An experience which also proves Ashim Ahluwalia as the face of new Indian cinema after Miss lovely. Look forward to seeing what he makes next.