| 18 January 2002 (USA)
Miranda Trailers

A librarian begins a passionate affair with a mysterious woman who walks into his library. When she suddenly disappears he travels down to London to search for her only to discover that she has three identities - dancer, dominatrix and con-woman. But which one is the real Miranda?

TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
rowmorg In the 1940s and 50s there was some kind of rule that Americans B-list stars had to star in British B-movies (when there were double bills). I'm not sure why. This B-category film reminded me of those days, with an American "star" (Christina Ricci) standing out like a sore thumb in the middle of a British picture. It must have been something to do with the financing, although it's billed as a Film on Four production. Anyway, the casting of Ricci drove a stake through the heart of the movie before it was ever filmed. I never believed either the romance that drove the story or the intrigue that lay behind it. After a briefly engaging beginning, the film declined into sophomoric nonsense. The British film is in a parlous state, and we were told about 10 years ago that Alan Parker was going to clean it all up and get good scripts and directors happening, so that 99 out of a hundred did not flop and pass straight into video obscurity. Somehow this one squeezed through all the many blockages that stand in the way of any production, and I suspect that Ms Ricci was the reason. Pity!
Gordon-11 This film is about a con woman whose life is complicated by the appearance of an obsessive librarian.I had great expectations when the initial animation was showing. Could it be a film like "Lola Rennt"? Well, no. The plot could have been promising, but the way it is told makes the film not too gripping. It gets boring at times, because of the slow pace. Fortunately, the film is made up for by the tension between Christina Ricci and John Simm. John Simm's portrayal of an innocent man who becomes obsessive about Christina Ricci is remarkable. Christina Ricci is also great in her portrayals of a cold and passionless con woman, a manipulative woman and vulnerable victim at the end. In short, it is a little slow but still watchable.
rps-2 Apart from 90 minutes of watching people smoke cigarettes, I don't really know what this movie tried to prove or say. The story is murky. The characters are ill defined. The cinematography is pretentious. The acting is (barely) adequate. I suppose swallowing a button like taking the eucharist might be considered profound by some. I thought it rather stupid and pointless. But if you like toe kissing and bare ass bonking, you may feel better about it. Channel 4 has done some interesting stuff. I suppose if you are going to pioneer and experiment, it's inevitable that you'll take a wrong turn now and then. Too bad this wrong turn led to a swamp. Too serious and too artsey dartsey by half!
George Parker "Miranda", misbilled as a romance/thriller (no thrills in this flick), is really a dark romantic comedy about an enigmatic woman, Miranda (Ricci), who beguiles a male librarian (Simm) with her haunting beauty and mysterious ways. Long on style and short on story, this film spends most of its time with the title character, of course, which Ricci plays well. The film crashes, however, on story as Miranda is really a pain in the a** and not something we, the audience, are inclined to wish on the more likeable Simm character. Meanwhile, bits and pieces of a story are doled out with the dots never really connected at the end making anything beyond the romantic quest little more than window dressing. Recommended for Ricci fans or dark comedy weirdos. (B-)