NR | 28 March 2017 (USA)
MindGamers Trailers

A group of young bio-engineers discover they can use quantum physics to transfer motor-skills between human brains. Believing this to be a first step towards a new intellectual freedom, they freely distribute the technology. But as the mysterious past of one of their group is revealed, dark forces emerge that threaten to subvert this technology into a means of mass control. DxM takes the mind-bender thriller to the next level with an immersive narrative and breath-taking action.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
stuartthiel Pretentious, very over-acted, though I blame script and direction for that. It wanted to bring a coolness and edge to a critical analysis of religion and existentialism. It cast science in terms of religion, or religion in terms of science. It balanced the individual against the concept of a group consciousness. It played on the idea of reality as something that one could shift into and out of as a counter (or complement) to determinism. The film over-reached a fair bit and occasionally broke character to toss a line to the likely bewildered audience to help them get over some of the more significant leaps. There was too much slow-mo of Melia Kreiling, as delightful as her screen-presence is. Still, moderate effects, some decently pretty visuals, actors making the best of their material and it's not the worst thing I've seen lately. You're better off (re-)watching the Matrix for an equivalent sci-fi edginess that touches on similar philosophical topics but is way better (and doesn't show its age at all).
jonathanpfeiffer As someone who is doing a Ph.D. through a well-know university and a background in consciousness studies/psychology/quantum theories, this move is amazing. The write of the story definitely did their homework before writing the script. Although there are some aspects of the story which may 'bend' science, overall, it is pretty accurate and deep. I was really impressed by the use of theory in the movie, as well as the many metaphors/allusions to hint at/highlight theories. Personally, I liked the 'religious' tone to this movie as studying consciousness to this degree does often lead to, at least, a query of 'god'. For those who are saying the move is meaningless 'bait-and-switch', I would have to recommend really delving into currect scientific literature, not through pop magazines, but through actual peer-reviewed journal articles.
robiprina This movie's definitely underestimated, it's more of an artistic picture of progressive consciousness, the costumes are great like a painting, nice visuals with light and color and architectural structures, the soundtrack is very emotional; at least it's worth a watch with open mind.
Larry Silverstein Sometimes when I start watching a movie like this that's not working for me at any level I wonder whether I'm being too harsh and critical in my assessment of it. However, I can see by the reviewers that have preceded me on this site that I am not alone.This film was just a convoluted mess of a movie, with an absolutely nonsensical script accompanied by very wooden acting. Why the fine actor Sam Neill is in this abomination is beyond me. Of course, presenting this turkey apparently wasn't enough for the filmmakers, they had to throw in some clips of animals seemingly being abused during experiments just for good measure.I know redbox isn't going to give me back my $1.59, but maybe I can help others to not spend their money on this dud.