Mind Over Murder
Mind Over Murder
| 12 August 2006 (USA)
Mind Over Murder Trailers

Holly Winters (Tori Spelling) is an unhappy-in-love, prosecuting attorney. After suffering a serious head injury, she gains the psychic power to read minds and decides to use this new-found power to catch a killer...

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Aryana Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
AdrieCm This was a really strange and confusing movie. I feel pretty bad saying this because I am a fan of Tori and Dean, not so much for their acting, but I do like their reality show. The movie seemed to be everywhere with the plot. I mean, the plot was good, but whoever wrote this didn't know how to make the plot work correctly. I think better writers and maybe if Tori and Dean would have gotten into their characters a little more, it may have turned out better. I think the acting was okay, but it seemed fake. You know they are acting, but when you can actually remember throughout the film that they are just acting, it's not really good. Well, at least they both got something out of the movie, a nice relationship.
frooish Very confusing movie, and not in a Mulholland Drive type of way... Just that I wasn't sure whether I was watching a comedy or mystery. Some scenes seemed to be bit funny, but not quite enough to actually be amusing. At first I figured it was a botched comedy, but turns out it's a botched drama.Some of the acting is just so ridiculously bad that you figure they can't possibly be serious, and it's not just Torie. The bad guys are likable in a cute "Home Alone" sort of way (clearly unintentional), the good guys are uninteresting at best. No chance was missed to play up Spelling's (limited) sex appeal, in scene after scene she gets hit on. One has to presume her agent used his clout to change the script in order to boost what's left of her career.
ginacatherine Now I know why Aaron Spelling left Tori out of his will and the reason why her mother is not speaking to her. Tori should be ashamed of her work in this "film." So many flaws, where could I possibly begin? First of all, I don't know one Asst. District Attorney (Tori's character in the movie) who would show up to court sporting cleavage and wearing bright pink and lime clothing. Let alone fake blonde extensions. Can someone give her a believable character, please?!! Secondly, Tori's acting skills in this film leave much to be desired. I kept having 90210 flashbacks when she spoke and laughed in the movie. It was scary. Even a B movie is beyond her acting skills. She should stick to guest appearances on sitcoms that require very little acting and even less camera exposure. One thing surprised me: Dean McDermott is actually pretty good in this movie. However, even Dean's decent acting skills couldn't save the horrible writing, character development, and plot. It was actually quite laughable.
landr Predictable plot, poor direction, poor acting, and a number of logical errors make this film a disappointment. The redeeming quality of this film is in its usefulness as a training aid for dramatic criticism and showing the neophyte film producer how to make mistakes.While the potential of the premise of this film would make any attempt worthwhile (and has done in serials such as Medium or Ghost Whisperer) the film didn't achieve what it might have. This was also a disappointment.If it sounds like we're disappointed, we were. We stuck it out simply to see if it could get worse. In fact the show became a means to "spot the disaster". Not really what we were looking for when we started watching.At least in real life the girl got the guy so, perhaps, not a complete waste of time.