Midnight Sex Run
Midnight Sex Run
| 28 April 2015 (USA)
Midnight Sex Run Trailers

23 years after Jordan and Ted blow off Jeff's genitals with a firecracker, their dads are kidnapped and the boys are given 24 hours to sleep with 10 women or else... their dads will die!

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Wordiezett So much average
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Joseph Godfrey I will let it be known that the sole reason I watched this movie was because of Laura Silverman's name being attached to it.The movie begins with bullying. Isn't that great? We all know how much fun bullying is, right? Nobody likes chubby little kids anyway, so let's laugh as our two heroes blow apart a loser's manhood with a firecracker! (GROAN) Are there actual minds out there that don't understand the issue of bullying in today's world? For the people referring to these writers as "genius"; Have you not a single recollection of ONE of the thousands of reports about teen suicide? For someone "in the industry", you must be wearing horse blinders to not realize how unpopular this crap is. It's outright stupid.We jump years ahead to meet the adult bullies Jordan and Ted, played by the film's writers Jordan & Ted - Who lack so much talent & creativity that they ignored imagining different names for their characters. Jordan and Ted are two selfish a-holes who can't get laid as an easy setup for their plot device.Jordan & Ted's fathers are kidnapped by Jeff the now grown little kid with no penis and his mom. Jeff plays a game with our heroes wherein their fathers will be safe only if they can have sexy-time with ten different women in 24 hours on camera as proof. Jeff's mother hands Jordan & Ted a roofie to help them along the way. YES, if you're already squirming uncomfortably about the flat blindness to current issues in the media, then you understand exactly how I feel right now.Things start pretty slowly, but here we get into our fast-paced jog of using women as empty holes to be filled, while our heroes try to rape a Nurse. Yes, "rape", there's no other way to put it, and you'd assume it couldn't move forward past a rape. But nope. Ted tries to get a stereo-typical crazy homeless woman (She must be "crazy", she's homeless, right?) drunk and mount her.I'll pause for a second to let the laughs fade ... "no"? We good? Okay - Hey, remember the roofie? Let's use it on this kind older woman. Never mind how huge of an issue the current Bill Cosby allegations have been - Bill Cosby was the inspiration for these writer/directors. Try watching TV for 5 minutes guys! There's the woman they saw dumpster diving, well if she's in the movie we might as well get up in that.A female comedian provides a few salvageable jokes, right down to the daddy/daughter role-play with an enema. Did I just say something positive about this abortion? No, no, can't be.And the finale I've seen in the comments that "you must see" ending(?) The end is arguably even worse than anything I've already mentioned. Now if you enjoy lame (saw it coming a million miles away) clueless tropes, then "sure" please watch til the end.Jordan & Ted have made something that is consistently unpleasant. And not in a Those-Guys-From-Jackass kind of way. For these morons to label it a "Comedy" is all the evidence I needed to judge their incompetence.This is two men that don't know anything about women in a world where Women's Rights is at it's biggest controversy. Nice timing crew!!! This might be an argument over an objectivity between good taste & bad taste, but if you hate this movie as much as I did then our side has the majority vote.
amyjgillespie Despite what others have suggested, this is a film with integrity. Some people won't get it, but MSR speaks its mind. And, it makes no apologies for doing so. It's gross. It's smart. It's crude. It's funny. And, it's really good.I laughed out loud with glee at the hilarious, scandalous writing, and I was completely engrossed by the two lead actors -- both of whom are witty and delightful. MSR is funny! Watch it if you like laughing... or good comedy...or wicked sex humor. It may not be for you if you don't have a sense of humor, if you had an unfortunate accident with a firecracker, or if you were ever forced to live out a midnight sex run.
wardroberts-1 MSR is outrageous and hilarious. Beyond that, it is inspiring. And, as an indie filmmaker, i want to go make a movie like this RIGHT NOW. I expected this to be a solid, based on the previous work of one of the filmmakers , but having no idea he ever acted was totally and pleasantly surprised by what a charismatic presence he was. Both he and his co-star are effortlessly funny & natural. The film looked good... more interesting lighting than most comedies... and sound was very clean, something often taken for granted in film but so crucial. MSR was gross and had heart, and I'm big on both those things.And the ending was one of the most shocking and hysterical and memorable moments i've seen on screen for a looooooong time.
TRex I'm absolutely amazed that anyone would waste time or money making such a terrible movie. This borders on sick porn, it's not funny, not clever, the actors are unattractive, the storyline is bad, the direction and camera work is crap, the script is so bad it would be hard to even write it intentionally that bad. I think you get the message.DO NOT WASTE TIME WATCHING THIS! I could not make it through more then halfway and even that was because I had a weird interest in seeing how bad it was going to get.And the anti-Jewish sentiment did not help either. I realize it was meant to be humor but that's not how it came across.