PG-13 | 25 January 2002 (USA)
Metropolis Trailers

Kenichi and his detective uncle, Shunsaku Ban, leave Japan to visit Metropolis, in search of the criminal, Dr. Laughton. However, when they finally find Dr. Laughton, Kenichi and Shunsaku find themselves seperated and plunged into the middle of a larger conspiracy. While Shunsaku searches for his nephew and explanations, Kenichi tries to protect Tima (a mysterious young girl), from Duke Red and his adopted son Rock, both of whom have very different reasons for wanting to find her.

ScoobyWell Great visuals, story delivers no surprises
pointyfilippa The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Angels_Review After a long intro, we get a interesting little piece like a dictator and then a futuristic looking town I could only believe was based on New York. Something about this show makes me feel that he was trying to comment on the social structure and where it's going. It's the natural thing of people in high power pushing down the lower class as they head to the top.Each of the characters that actually have a big part to play in this show actually has nice personalities even though they sometimes fall into a norm. Tezuka always had an interesting way of mixing robots and human characteristics. His robot creations are unlike anything you really ever seen before this time for the most part. They have a playfulness even if the story is supposed to get rather dark. Tezuka always had a reason behind his stories and this is no exception. The story talks about what separates man and machine, what it really means to be human, and all that wonderful stuff.The Artwork is definitely Osamu's style with its large noses and hair that mostly falls over the eyes. Everything about it is rather fun looking and interesting. A lot of characters are strange proportions with rather thick legs, hands about the same size as gloved hands and so on. The colors are mostly bright and colorful even in the darker parts, of the show, the rust pretty much showing up brightly. There is a small feeling that we are looking threw an antic lens at times with some of the grainy feelings it gives off. Sometimes as well, we get a rather panted look for the still images like the face where the hair actually moves about it on a cell. At least, that's what it looks like.The English voices aren't bad for how odd the show is though they play it off sort of like a radio drama. It works perfectly with the feel of the show since it looks like it's from the time of 'War of the Worlds'. The music also plays into that with the 1950's New York attitude. It makes the show a bit more relatable in a sense because it brings the old charms we know and love about a actually city with this new futuristic world that may come soon to us.
Jason LaBonte Wow! Just...WOW!!! This movie was such a joy to watch. It's a shame that this film didn't get the attention it deserved. This is a damn good movie with a great subplot, the characters are so enjoyable, and Rock is a bad-ass villain!I mean, you got Rintaro, the director of Galaxy Express 999, directing it, Katsuhiro Otomo, the creator of Akira, writing the screenplay, and an adaptation of the best anime creator of all time, Osamu Tezuka. What more can you say about that? Amazing animation, too. The CGI goes wonderfully with the 2-D animation, especially the part when the (Spoilers Ahead!!!)when the zigurat self destructs.It's funny, it's dark, it's heart warming, and just plain spectacular. Just don't say anything and get this film. It will be worth your time. I swear to you, it will be!
Ibrar Yunus This is by far the best movie I have ever seen. I watch a lot of movies and all types of movies, and when I started to watch this, I was overjoyed and amazed at what a beautiful, stunning masterpiece this is. The over- stylization contributes to that 'steam-punk' feel in this movie. The artwork is beyond words and the beautiful (and a bit sad) story fully complements the art work and the 'emotional feel' of this movie.......The jazz music in the background gives rise to feelings of nostalgia, and that is what I call 'beauty' ..... As an artist, I pt this movie in my Number one spot; and to fellow artists: watching this movie is a must, as it surely will give rise to a love for steam-punk art in you. :) ....My favorite scene? (*SPOILER*) well it is the scene where Tima stands on a roof and stares up at the deteriorated building up above and people say 'Is that an Angel'<-- Perfect!
blackmamba99971 This was quite possibly one of the most important Anime Classics of all time. A beautiful rendition of the 1920's Classic Metropolis. This film held breath taking scenes of high technology mixed with the old ways of how people lived in a city called Metropolis, a city full of wonder, crime, robots, and a girl who did not even know she was an android. Yet one boy Kenichi, who is the nephew of a Detective which is in the city to find a corrupt and sinister inventor by the name of Dr. Laughton. and to bring him back to Japan to face charges. Kenichi on the other hand befriends this girl named Tima (android) and together try to outrun a power hungry young man named rock. An orphan who was taken in by the figure head who had the Ziggarat built to keep Tima running things for humans forever. Instead by happenstance, a simple gunshot causes Tima to activate a self defence mechanism which nearly destroys the earth altogether. Through faith and determination, Kenichi tries to get her to remember on when they first met so the inevitable can be ceased. This film held magic in all forms, I loved the way they used old style Jazz music to mix with the confusing high technological world that needs to wake up from itself. Rintaro was brilliant using Ray Charles's song (I Can't Stop Loving You) for the last scene of the Ziggarat coming down like the tower of babel. Beautiful sequences of explosions, grand scale buildings, and just all round clean up of something the world could do without. I am very surprised this film did not get any academy awards for best foreign film, which contained many ingredients that people could actually relate to. A marvel in film making. Especially when it is hand drawn.
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