| 03 June 1998 (USA)
Meteorites! Trailers

A meteor shower threatens a small American town.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
minty1364 One of those afternoon disaster films that is no way a big budget production, but relies on a story, a family, a town and the mayor of that town and what happens when meteorites threaten the whole region, focusing on this one town and what they have to deal with has the threats looms closer and closer. Throw corruption and criminals into the mix to add to the storyline; how will the town get out of the impending disaster? Not a big Hollywood production by far, but good enough to watch.It's nice to see Tom Wopat and Roxanne Hart, but this is because it's a film from the 1990s. As I watched this film in 2015 (17 years on) it didn't seem out of date, which was a plus.
Vic_max Given that this is a made-for-TV show, it's not that bad. It's very light and innocent in tone. The dialog and characters are the strength of this movie. No, they are not well-done, but rather just "decently" done.Basically, this movie is about a town that is about to be ravaged with a flurry of meteorites. The earth is passing through a comet's tail and the town is looks like it's in the wrong place at the worst possible time. The movie follows the stories of a few groups of people.The sci-fi element is present because of the meteorites, but it doesn't go much further beyond that. The story is pretty much a simple "watch out for the falling rocks" instead of "how are the scientists going to save us?" story. Nothing more.The characters, as mentioned earlier, are barely interesting. However, mediocre as the whole movie was, nothing really got on my nerves. So as far as a movie that is barely sci-fi, that is sometimes a plus.I don't recommend watching this movie unless you have it on in the background and are doing something else. For sci-fi fans, it's kind of like pleasant background music.
paul bishop Tom Wopat and a grade-Z cast in a 1950s-style flick about meteorites hitting a small Arizona town. My favorite parts: Tom's daughter has just been crowned 'Miss Universe' during the town's UFO Festival ...and she's hoisted up in a cheesy UFO (by a crane) above the adoring townsfolk just as the rocks start crashing ...imagine sitting there, trying to look glam in your tiara, when everyone beneath you is getting bombed; then there's the obnoxious fellow (who you know just HAS to die) who is hit head-on by a small meteorite but his smoking boots are left standing. Oh the agony of it all -- both for the town and the viewer! If you taped it, this is a movie best watched in fast-forward mode.
Warlock-5 I guarantee you, just one hour of Meteorites! (they had to put an exclaimation mark in the title, didn't they) and you will fall asleep from boredom. I strongly believe that this mediocre meteor movie was filmed right here in Australia, as I can spot little Aussie things, like the packaging of chip cups and the fact that it is produced by Village Roadshow. Also, it stars Amiel Daemion, who is well known here for singing the hit song, "Addicted To Bass". In this film, she is flat and her acting range is limited. As for the plot, can you say "rip-off"? The special effects aren't that bad, but the film is so boring that you'll fall asleep before anything happens. And somebody call the props department, the Indian guy is supposed to have his leg trapped, but the block holding it down shakes around a little and lifts up when he moves. Please let this be the last TV produced disaster movie, before I saw this I thought "Volcano: Fire on The Mountain" was bad.AUSTRALIAN CLASSIFICATION:PG Medium Level Violence, Sexual ReferencesSome diaster violence where you don't really see any impact occurs, as does some teenage sexual antics.