Metal Tornado
Metal Tornado
| 22 July 2011 (USA)
Metal Tornado Trailers

The HELIOS PROJECT is a high tech facility tasked with storing and converting solar rays into an endless supply of renewable energy. After years of research and millions of dollars, it is now time to test the system out.

XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Sean Kaye Then you have to throw all logic right out the window and that's exactly what they did with this movie.I get annoyed when people make films that are based around science but then get the science wrong. In this film, there are some blatant mistakes like the dome part of a silo on a farm that gets ripped off by the 'magnetic tornado' yet that would not happen in 'reality' because the domes on silos are made of aluminum which is not magnetic.Also, you can't 'download' energy from anywhere and quickly 'store' it, at least not currently and this movie is filmed in the here and now so the entire basis is impossible.Now for the 'evil entrepreneur' who runs this fictitious power company in the film called 'Helios'. I guess since the film company that made this is based in Ottawa, this shows what part-time government employees who have little film production companies think 'entrepreneurs' are all about, evil men that will do anything, even kill employees who find design flaws in their systems.Most of the acting was quite good, Lou Diamond Phillips and Kate Drummond were stand outs. I can't understand why they chose Nicole de Boer for the main role when they could have used Kate Drummond -- it makes no sense but then neither does a tornado made out of metal... or sharks etc. The small part by Camille Solari was humorous.They should have just pulled out all the cheese and gone all in and made the chainsaw that gets magnetized at the start of the film and seems to develop a mind of it's own, go a frigging killing rampage. Why not -- the whole thing was so unbelievable that they could have just done anything with it at that point. Most of these films would make far better comedies than sci-fies if they would just take them in that direction.
Dan Ashley (DanLives1980) Just about the best thing I can say about this film is that it doesn't ruin LDP's career. The 90's did that already. Whereas I am not a fan of his work outside of Young Guns and Renegades, I appreciate that he can be a good entertainer with very little effort. But whoever his agent is needs to lay off the freebasing or just die from it! Metal Tornado is what the industry call a B-Movie. It's not. It's a Y-Movie. As in Y-The-Hell-Do-They-Fund-These-Films when there are people starving in the 3rd World and limbless, homeless refugees from the wars the West start. As in, 'Event Horizon' was a B-Movie, this was made for TV and made no attempt whatsoever to try to meet standards of filmmaking in any sense.The story is that Diamond is a scientific type guy with no background but for being a bit rebellious to the point where nobody ever listens to him. When he goes out to investigate a series of magnetic storms that are ripping everything metallic out of the local farming community - from gardening appliances and toasters right down to the corrugated iron off the barn walls and roofs - the shady scientific type company that is responsible for the disaster refuses to believe him when he says, 'it's our fault!' So he goes about proving it anyway while trying to save people from a really crap rip-off version of Twister.You see, a top secret scientific type thing of theirs has escaped and turned into a magnetic storm and yes I'm repeating myself just like the film does and then LDP has to go rescue people while really awful CGI - as in not just awful looking but awfully thought out - tries to steal the show and also while the shady guy who runs his shady scientific type company tries to deny everything.I mean for gods sake, there's a POV scene from within the tornado at one point where an active chainsaw is buzzing around in circles. Do chainsaws operate by themselves in America? Expect me to find such rubbish enjoyable but don't insult my intelligence. And damn you, SyFy channel, for putting this on me. Spell your name right as well, it's just not clever.Another thing besides the visuals, non existent context and awfully bland dialogue that doesn't give me a single cause for thought or emotion, the crap "action" and the one dimensional characters is the sound effects and music.How do they make the music to films like this? Because I have a keyboard from ten years ago that makes better quality music. That means that when this film was made, my £80 keyboard was more up to date than the composer's equipment. And I bought mine from Argos for cryin' out loud.I could beat-box a better soundtrack to this film. I could steal music off the internet, re-edit it and pass it off as original and it'd do better than the single track synth string soundtrack they employed for this. That and the sound effects are shop-bought at such a cheap price that they could have just employed Michael Winslow to wobble his lips over a microphone and gotten a better result! I feel better now...
danielboyce I'm rolling on the floor still laughing my guts out. Thanks for the HUGE laugh. Bad acting, bad computer generated graphics, bad story plot. I bet any money that director is out of work. LMAO.Update: I tried to save the above to the point review, but this site said my review wasn't long enough, which only added to my wet spot in my pants from laughing so much from the movie. Just what more can I say about the worst movie I ever saw. Poor Richie must be hard up for cash these days. Anyhow, I'm going to try and save this review again with this new paragraph in hopes it will make it to the review section.Another Update: Oh My Freekin God. I have to have 10 lines in order for this review to be valid? I'm on muscle relaxants now to calm my pulled gut muscles from laughing so much.
Eric_M_Blake Upon seeing the film, I can't help but feel that it's been given a bad rap. Is it an excellently-made film? Of course not. However, it's far from the worst film I've ever seen. The story is by and large pretty solid--despite the stereotypical CEO-who-doesn't-care-and-therefore-puts-a-lot-of-people-in-danger.Nicole deBoer is, without a doubt, one of the best actresses I've ever seen. I've been a fan of hers with her wonderful portrayal as Ezri Dax in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and her role in The Dead Zone is played with an intense passion and emotion, which pulls the viewer into empathy with Sarah Bannerman. In "Metal Tornado", she's the female lead (IMDB, I feel, needs to re-arrange the cast names a bit...). She gives a good, solid performance. However...she doesn't have much to do, as far as character growth and inner conflict--which is what she excels at, as "Dead Zone" fans know well. As such, while Nicole's "magic" is there, its certainly not in full force--her character's written as rather two-dimensional, and Nicole isn't given much opportunity to flesh out the role.The male lead is also pretty good, as is his character's son. However...a lot of the other actors are clearly amateurs, and don't really seem to know what they're doing. The special effects are also pretty cringe-inducing--it screams to the viewer, "THIS WAS COMPUTER GENERATED!!!" Finally, the name is frankly lame--ranking up there with "Snakes On A Plane" and "Cowboys And Aliens".One gets the feeling, that, with a Hollywood budget (and with it, better effects and MUCH better secondary/minor actors) and marketing plan, this film would've excelled as a superb disaster flick.