Menace from Outer Space
Menace from Outer Space
NR | 01 January 1956 (USA)
Menace from Outer Space Trailers

A nontheatrical (16mm) film comprise of three contiguous episodes of the TV series "Rocky Jones, Space Ranger".

MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Red-Barracuda Menace from Outer Space is yet another TV movie made by editing three episodes of the Rocky Jones, Space Ranger TV series together. This show was quite obviously aimed at a family audience, mainly at children. In this entry a couple of missiles strike earth from a moon of Jupiter hitherto thought to not have any inhabitants, Rocky Jones and his crew are sent off to investigate.As with other entries in this series, the film is full of rubbish characters and terrible dialogue. Which wouldn't really matter but for the fact it's all awfully tedious and hard work to sit through. If I am being charitable I would have to say that it is a very early example of a TV movie and so its extreme clunkiness is perhaps to be expected and could be regarded as historically interesting as an example of early TV sci-fi. And it also has to be admitted that it was meant for kids, so can hardly be blamed for not appealing to this adult sixty years later. But, you know what? Even taking all of this into account I still thought this was diabolical stuff. Slagging it off does feel a little like kicking a puppy, albeit a pretty annoying puppy.
Fuzzy Wuzzy While watching Menace From Outer Space, one must keep it firmly in mind that this was an early-television program that was specifically geared to entertain youngsters in the under-12-years-old age range.Yes. Its storyline was simple-minded. Yes. Its low-budget effects were, often enough. a laughable joke. Yes. Its characters were all one-dimensional stereotypes who were probably playing it very tongue-in-cheek....But, on the whole, this kiddies' TV show was good-natured enough to be considered marginally entertaining and its husky hero, Rocky Jones, was good-looking enough for anyone to forgive its many downfalls and flaws and at least enjoy it in all of its cheesy, b-grade splendour.
Keith Little This is a mildly entertaining bit of fluff cobbled together from three episodes of an early 1950's US television show. It concerns the adventures of Rocky Jones, his somewhat goofy sidekick Winky, the lovely Vena Ray, a precocious kid named Bobby and Professor Newton. They're all under the authority of the Secretary of Space. Secretary of Space, now there's a job title; I'd like to be Chairman of Gravity myself. As far as the film goes, it's pretty tame as regards the special effects and the action; however, it shares that charm that many of the science fiction films of that specific decade display and, consequently, manages to engage the viewer. It's particularly interesting, if only in a historical sense, to see a sci-fi show from television's early years. If you get a copy of this film in one of those public domain collections - I received mine in the Mill Creek 100 Sci-Fi Classics set - then I'd certainly recommend watching it but, otherwise, I wouldn't expend any energy trying to track it down.
Chris Gaskin Menace From Outer Space is based on the Rocky Jones TV series from the 1950's and this is actually episodes put together as a feature film.There special effects are not too bad considering the low budget.The cast includes Richard Crane as Rocky Jones with Sally Mansfield and Roberty Lydon.It was good to see this movie and I also have Crash of the Moons in my collection.There were several episodes of the Rocky Jones TV series that were made into feature films.Great fun.Rating: 3 stars out of 5.
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