Men Seeking Women
Men Seeking Women
NR | 08 March 1997 (USA)
Men Seeking Women Trailers

Three friends, finding themselves single on their 33'rd birthdays, agree to bet $2000 each to see who can get a girlfriend and live together for three months.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
ZephyrMJ I watched this for the sole reason that Will Ferrell was in it and, in my opinion, he is one of the funniest people in the movie industry. SO you can guess how shocked I was that someone managed to make a film with Will Ferrell that wasn't funny.The writing was just atrocious, I don't know how a script with as few jokes as this could be called a comedy. At it's peaks it is mildly amusing if you really really want it to be funny. The directing was just as bad, so bad that any laughs that could have been generated from this flat script were carefully avoided. I'm glad that Jim Milio has not been allowed near anything to do with comedy since.However, as bad as the script and the directing were, my main problem with this film was with the choice of actor for the lead role. Anthony Palermo lacks any charisma and comic talent. He certainly can not carry a film. Although maybe I'm being too critical since there was not a lot he could do with the material but every line he spoke sounded artificial and forced.Don't see this film unless you want to see every film Will Ferrell has been in.
smiles043 if you are having a hard time sleeping this movie is the solution for you! i'm a big will farrel fan and the cover looks hilarious so i thought "why not?" i should have read some reviews first because i would have those 90 minutes of my life back. i think i smiled a couple of times, but overall not a worthwhile movie. just very dull and tasteless.
Aphex97 Truly one of the worst romantic comedies I've ever seen. I never even cracked a smile. A horrendously dull script without an original bone in its hole-filled body. This extremely poor and contrived piece of writing gave talented comedian Will Ferrall absolutely nothing to work with. The other actors performances are uninspired at best. The pacing is terrible, the direction, comedic timing is nonexistent. Its sad they make movies this lame. FINAL RATING: 1/10 - Of no value. Even my girlfriend (who is a hardcore romantic comedy fan) couldn't stand it. The dullest of the dull. Noob Aalox
rgreen1 Clearly produced with a low budget, this movie made me laugh often enough to warrant the rental. It's a guy premise - but that works for me ! It's interesting to see the big stars of today before they had established their commercialized characters. The seeds are evident and I enjoyed it.