Mega Snake
Mega Snake
| 28 July 2007 (USA)
Mega Snake Trailers

Duff Daniels (John T. Woods), the younger, stupider brother of Les (Michael Shanks), can't help himself from stealing a rare snake that's been kept in a jar by a Native American snake dealer (Ben Cardinal), and which has to follow some rules: don't let it out of the jar, then don't let it eat anything anything living, and never fear the heart of the snake.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
TheLittleSongbird I never have really thought much of SyFy's resume as an overall whole. Some are tolerable, but most are garbage. Fortunately Mega Snake is one of the tolerable ones. It does have a lot of noticeable and obvious flaws, first and foremost the effects of the snake, which are not the worst from SyFy but still atrocious. The characters, especially the Sheriff, are cardboard clichés on the whole, and some like the shopkeeper are annoying. There is too much overlong exposition with the family as well and hampered further by hackneyed dialogue. However, the story is mostly not too bad. It didn't feel dull, and there are actually some good scenes like the attack on the lake and the forest chase which do have some tension as well as some fun and inventive killings. There are some scenes that do get rather ridiculous though, which was kind of expected. Other than the snake effects, Mega Snake does look good, the scenery is striking and the photography is at least above slipshod level. The acting is above average as well, John T Woods is especially fun. In conclusion, I'd be lying if I said this was a good movie but there have been far worse from SyFy. 5/10 Bethany Cox
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain Daft and delightful big animal romp. The performances are all delivered with a wink-and-a-nudge along with suspiciously bad dialogue (probably written that way). One line of dialogue is reminiscent of something from Ed Wood's films. "He's dead!?" "Extremely". The special effects aren't too shabby, and the film pulls a few surprises, such as a poorly put together couple trying to deal with their problems, people looking like they are about to escape and then snubbing it etc. There's some mumbo jumbo about Native American folklore, which is a tad silly, but makes a change from the usual genetically modified snakes. This makes it man vs. nature in its purest form, and not man's mistake. If you like big snake movies you wont be disappointed by the number of clichés and some of the deviations from the norm.
ctomvelu-1 I am at a loss to understand why The Sci-Fi Channel keeps running these cheap giant snake movies. Oh, what ANACONDA hath wrought! MEGASNAKE has a large reptile roaming the Tennessee countryside (actually Bulgaria), picking off one unfortunate resident after another. Bullets bounce off it, of course. There was just enough gore to keep me reasonably happy, but the snake is badly composited and the generic cast doesn't help one bit. The filmmakers even steal a plot element from JAWS, involving an upcoming county carnival that wiser heads feel needs to be called off but of course the mayor wop't hear of it. Otherwise, the snake would have little to do outside of picking off an occasional individual. Pass on this one.
metalrox_2000 Some one needs to stop Sci-Fi network from churning out this 50's style b movie sci fi flicks. The Special effects were downright horrible. Everything seems so fake (including the hunters fear, before they are consumed) You can make out the blue screen used to make the Snake appear real.The onslaught of the fair were, rather sad. The snake manages to consume most of the fair goers (including one scene on a tilt a-whirl, in which even the people not eaten by the snake manage to just up and die) And also, this will be the first time that 20 people can be killed in one scene, and all they manage to muster is one blood splatter.DInocroc was entertaining. Megasnake was almost was bad as sitting through Krush Groove. However, I will give Megasnake credit for one thing. It set an example for the most anti-climatic ending in film history.Many made for TV movies are bad. Megasnake is just below bad. Maybe mega-turkey would be a better title. Because this was a bigger turkey then I've ever had on my dinner table at Thanksgiving.