Mega Man
Mega Man
| 07 May 2010 (USA)
Mega Man Trailers

In the year 20XX, Dr. Thomas Light, an Nobel Prize winning professor in the field of Robotics, creates a series of 6 revolutionary robots entitled the “Robot Master Series DRN” in an effort to use robotics as a mean to better mankind. As a personal project, Dr. Light creates 2 androids named Roll (a female) and Rock (a male) who are made to be as human as possible from appearance to behavior. His partner and colleague, Dr. Albert Wily, grows enraged and jealous of Light’s success. Dr. Wily decides to reprogram and steal the robot master series to do his bidding so he can wreak havoc and gain control of the city.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain A low budget fan made movie. There's certainly a lot of care and attention put into this movie. In terms of plot it actually works as a movie. Quite a rarity for a video game adaptation. Despite the pacing being right, the dialog and delivery is horrendous. These are amateur actors doing it for fun, but sometimes it's a little too much. Many scenes reminded me of the obnoxious and obvious cartoons of the early 90s. The effects were very basic, but served the plot well. Films like this are always good to see, as it is the storytelling that comes first. Sure, the film is predictable, with poor lighting, bad acting, and dull camera work, but it was nice to see a movie that wasn't after my money.
tedebear34 When I saw this, I remembered thinking "Hmmm, I don't remember a Mega Man movie being released in 2010". And it became obvious pretty quickly why I hadn't heard of this. From the cinematography (calling it that is an insult to cinematographers everywhere) to the "Acting" to the vapid script and the very unspecial effects, this thing is a fiasco from the get go. There are two redeeming things about this movie: 1) it's free to view from the website (although I did have to pay for bandwidth. I want my 50 cents back) and 2) you'll never be hearing from any of these people ever again. Sometimes a movie is so bad that it's funny, but this is just so bad that it's BAD. I realize it's a low budget indie film, but so was Clerks. And where Clerks exhibited the unrefined talent of Kevin Smith, this mostly exhibits that some people shouldn't be allowed to buy video equipment. Maybe in time someone with make a Mega Man movie and when they do, it will qualify as the first one, because this thing hardly qualifies as a movie.
fontroy5 It's not going to win Oscars or any awards but for fans of this game I say most of us --- that is people who don't hold Indie made movies up to a higher scale say like Blockbusters --- can agree this really achieved and showed love for the material, I've seen many bad movie adaptations of games for instance one I loath Resident Evil movie franchise and then to see a writer successfully do each game and add canon it's freaking depressing.This movie isn't a masterpiece but for budget used and the love put in it by the Director and how the actors felt like they loved the material, it glows.I'm not saying it's amazing, but compared to most video game movies I have to say this really makes a fanboy smile.Some highlights were the actor who portrayed Dr Wily and how each robot master had a distinct personality, which showed ingenuity of a high calibur. The effects were what lower the score as well as some of the acting but I felt it was genuine, which was enough for me.Is it purely for fans, I'd say no, because a amateur film maker could see this to see some tricks, for the camera work was great and editing not jerky or rushed which was awesome.Good Job
galaxyhunter13 This movie was just plain awful. The camera shots were not good. The actors can not act. EVERYTHING looks fake. My opinion is that some production company needs to pick up the Mega-Man title and redo this entire movie. WITH higher quality everything!!The armor of mega-man looks like some kids went down to the local bike shop and purchased pads to make them look like they had armor on to appear like they were highly advanced worriers.There were some shots with the camera where they zoomed into far then zoomed out and it is totally obvious they had messed up. If you like amateur type movies i recommend watching this. If not, the movie will be a waist of your time.Over all i give this movie 2 thumbs down.