McCinsey's Island
McCinsey's Island
| 23 February 1998 (USA)
McCinsey's Island Trailers

Hulk Hogan and Grace Jones star in this adventure tale about a onetime secret agent who finds a treasure map on the shell of a turtle. Soon he's on a chase to recover the loot, just one step ahead of other seekers of wealth.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
GazerRise Fantastic!
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Lbar11 OK first off, I would like to say that Hulk Hogan has appeared in some amazingly bad films since he became famous. Most were rather bad and a few just plain unwatchable. But this film is hands down the worst most farcial display of acting I have ever seen, NO LIE.I was bored one day simply flipping through channels where I come across this film. OK I see Hulk Hogan, being a ex wrestling fan I decided to watch it. At no point could I even comprehend what was going on, I mean where was the plot? even if there was one. Basically its just a movie out in some Florida swamp where Hogan and his wrestling buddies put on some amazingly laughable fight scenes while looking for buried treasure. Other actors chime in and desperately try to save the movie but it just ends of being even more laughable.I honestly wish I could write to the Hulkster himself and ask for the 99 minutes of wasted life he stole from me. That is how bad this movie is.On a positive note this film however could be used to show aspiring filmmakers on how not to make movies, that about all it is good for.
barefoot_sandwell I'd spent the Saturday night awake, chatting to friends online, and so consequently I was feeling a little tired on Sunday morning. I was staying at a friend's house so there were two of us crashed in his room in front of the computer. We switched the TV on and crashed about 15-20 minutes into this movie.At first I thought that the movie was a creation of my own tired, over-imaginative mind; OK this is a dream, I'm dreaming this, I can handle this, I ought to lay off the peanut M&Ms.But no. The more we watched, the more I realized this was real. Very real.Hulk Hogan was Hulk Hogan, usually sporting a wry little smile that suggested to me "yes I know this film is pants, I'm not taking it seriously". Robert Vaughn was trying desperately to act (doing rather well too). The remainder of the cast (yes Grace Jones, I'm mainly thinking of you) would probably have failed an audition for a Nativity Play on this performance.But it doesn't stop there. Maybe because we didn't see the start but all kinds of plot lines didn't appear to make sense, nothing seemed to follow on from each other, I never felt any tension in the movie and upon watching the scene near the end with Grace Jones water skiing (?) onto the beach I was left wondering ... "WHY???". The dialogue was pretty poor [IMDB lists no "memorable quotes" which in this case would also make a good plot summary].I'm left with the general thought of "why was this movie made", except as an example on how not to make a movie.Closing thoughts. It is the worst movie I have ever seen (and I saw "Robocop 3" at the cinema!), I can't explain it any more than I already have done, you will never complain about movies again. That alone makes this movie a "Must See"!!It is August. I'm hoping they go on to show "Santa with Muscles" at Christmas.
John Langbein (medrjel) This movie stunk. I mean, it's hard to imagine seeing much worse, but Santa Claus with Muscles could do it. But what a stinker. I mean, a real bomb. The story is dumb, the dialog make the story seem great. A parrot with a food obsession? That was possibly the best part! ick!
agent_grrrr What makes this movie so bad? Is that the insane plot about Hulk Hogan's "retired" secret agent finding a treasure map on the back of a turtle and then following it? Is it the sad waste of talent of Robert Vaughan? Is it Grace Jones's almost insulting turn as the baddie and the usual assortment of incompetent henchmen? Or is it the patronising and quite frankly unbelievably immoral ending?Surely somebody, at some stage of making this picture, must have realised that the only people who were going to watch this was desperate parents who drop their kids in front of rubbish like this and call it "family entertainment"? It's cheap, crass, embarrassing and just not worth the effort. I realise that I may not be the target audience but even so, children should not have to put up with awful movies like this one. Avoid like a nasty aunt at Christmas!Still, the scenery looked nice.