Massacre Mafia Style
Massacre Mafia Style
| 19 December 1974 (USA)
Massacre Mafia Style Trailers

Terror reigns when Mimi, the son of a deported Don, along with his associate Jolly Rizzo wage a bloody war for control of the West Coast underworld, battling hordes of hard-boiled mobsters and deadly black pimps on their rise to the top!

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Gangsteroctopus If any movie ever made Italians look bad, this is it.Duke Mitchell - what an A--HOLE. Duke Mitchell, I s--t on your grave. Seeing as practically every person gunned down in this film by the cowardly Mimi is either black or of some other racial or ethnic minority, it's hard not to become convinced that the guy ultimately owes his allegiance to the Ku Klux Klan or skinheads. Awww, but he doesn't shoot the little black kid in the elevator in the opening sequence, so that means he can't be all bad, right? WRONG. Typical softheaded sentimental tripe.While I do understand why some people might be struck by and even, to a certain extent, admire the film's audacious, totally un-PC verve (it's certainly unashamed of its own hatefulness and sense of self-involvement), this doesn't change the fact that the main character, Mimi (and, by extension, Duke Mitchell), is thoroughly loathsome human being who earns not one iota of empathy or interest, especially given that Duke Mitchell is such a COMPLETE BORE as a performer. But what do you expect from a guy whose main claim to fame (apart from this dog t--d of a movie) was being a second rate Dean Martin imitator? Oh my. It has been so many years since I saw that preview, but I never forgot it. Three minutes of non-stop violence, no dialog (not that it needs any), the infamous "urinal scene" and all accompanied by a VERY catchy little song about being in love?! Finally I get to see The Executioner, on a Danish-subtitled bootleg of all things (and FYI I guess certain bad words don't translate well into Danish; ha ha) and I'm just blown away. I won't write a "spoiler" of the plot as, to be honest, I don't completely understand it . Not that it matters, I was still very very entertained and find Duke Mitchell completely fascinating. He's gotta be THE sleaziest non-porno person I've EVER seen on screen and was apparently a lounge singer prior to making the film; he contributes some unbelievably schmaltzy tunes to the soundtrack too. Someone, PLEASE dig up the negative or a nice print and release a proper DVD of this classic film! And while you're at it maybe write a biography of Duke Mitchell too!
nirvana187 Duke Mitchell. Genius? Possibly. Great Actor? No. B-Movie God? Absolutely. This movie has it all. Urinals, desk lamps, crucifixion, pimps, and massive killing sprees. The opening scene pulls you in and makes you want to vomit. Throughout the film are choice lines of dialogue like, "Anyone can carry this piece. It takes a man to use it," "Hey Mimi. long time no see," "Cut another slice," and "Makin' these jive-ass superhuman movies, super human this, super human that" voiced by people who are clearly not actors. Maybe robots, but not actors. The score is composed by the Duke himself, who also directed, produced, and starred in this masterpiece. In conclusion, this is the best movie anyone will ever see in his or her life and it is a pity that the only way to get it is in bootleg form. Hopefully, someone will release it on DVD so I can watch Duke Mitchell and his buddy Vic Caesar in all their glory.
Doug Galecawitz This mega cheapo budget film has all of the plot devices of The Godfather and none of the acting, directing, writing, cinematography, special effects, choreography, camera work, or general feeling. I haven't seen the Plan 9 From Outer Space but this easily has to compete with it for worst acting. Every word, every line sounds as forced out as every line in Pink Flamingos. Getting the actors to time their movements even was disaster. This movie also has the distinguishment of being one of the most racially challenged movies ever. The only black man in the film is called Super Spook!!!!! Super Spook is actually crusified!! The Italian American community is portrayed as dumb mob hoods who revel in Spaghetti! The movies mob bosses are weaklings who forgive having relatives killed and body parts cut off. The only worth in watching this is knowing you could easily do a better job. How bad is the writing? When a mob boss is kidnapped his finger his cut off and mailed home with a ransom note, a friend upon reading the note and seeing the thumb utters the stupid line "That's Chucky's thumb all right, I've seen it on him a million times" A THUMB!!!!! Give this movie a three out of ten, for hilarious stupidity and a wacked out soundtrack!