Martin Lawrence Live: Runteldat
Martin Lawrence Live: Runteldat
R | 02 August 2002 (USA)
Martin Lawrence Live: Runteldat Trailers

The controversial bad-boy of comedy delivers a piercing look at his life, lifting the metaphorical smokescreen that he feels has clouded the public view, commenting on everything from the dangers of smoking to the trials of relationships, and unleashing a nonstop litany of raucous anecdotes, stinging social commentary and very personal reflections about life.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
fabfemfatale From the man who gave us you go girl/boy, wazzzup and talk to the hand, comes the comedy of a genius. He takes us into his world and explains what exactly happened - TRUTHFULLY. He tells it like it is, but with great humour. For me first it was Richard Pryor, then Eddie Murphy, now it's my man Martin. He speaks of one of the best documentaries ever filmed, Eyes on the Prize and talks fondly of his namesake, the late-great, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Fine, he may say f*** alot, but he's very passionate and that word is for the passionate to express themselves. Def Jam's original host made me laugh, cry and cheer. I recommend to all of you who want a good laugh and don't have too many hang ups. Bring us some Mr. Lawrence.
todd72173 Martin was times.. but sometimes it was just mildly entertaining. no new jokes, nothing that will knock you off your seat. The best part was about his own life incidents. I didnt realize how near death he was. Recommended only to the hard core Martin fans.
WasteBot As a movie, their is minimal sound and visual FX. The soundtrack, though it has some great music, it feels like you're listening to it in mono (even if you're in the middle of a THX, Dolby surround capable theater). This is really sad when you consider this is an MTV production.The story, Martin's routine, is pretty much the same old stuff. If you're really into "black" comedy, you will get some laughs out of Martin's performance. Especially about his hospital stay. But it's not worth paying for. It should have been a cable special. For me, the funniest part is listening to a Jesus-boy (that's you, Martin) swear, talk about sex, marriage, and relationships, and doing drugs.
homerjsimpsonn This recent stand-up movie of his was expectedly as piss-poor as his previous, i.e. "You So Crazy".Martin Lawrence is easily one of the most annoying personalities to be recorded on film. Not only is he a lowsy actor to begin with, he's incredibly irritating to watch. His stand-up act is simply unbearable because it's nothing but Martin Lawrence and his embarassing way of talking. He overdoes everything. Every gesture, every word, is overly-black! He thinks he can be funny by acting black and talking black, almost as if he equates "blakness" with humor. (Chris Rock gets away with this because his content is actually funny to begin with.)For God's sake, THE GUY IS NOT FUNNY!!!! I didn't even crack a smile once during the nearly two-hours of his agonizingly stupid, unwitty stand-up routine.