Maria Marten, or The Murder in the Red Barn
Maria Marten, or The Murder in the Red Barn
| 18 August 1936 (USA)
Maria Marten, or The Murder in the Red Barn Trailers

In 1820s rural England, a young girl is tricked by tales of marriage from a villainous Squire. When she becomes pregnant and disappears, a gipsy lad is blamed.

RyothChatty ridiculous rating
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
kai ringler I just found this a joy to watch, first off you have a typical plot of 2 men going for the same girl, but it's different from many other movies because this girl will not live to say who killed her,, she fancies a young Gyspsy, but also an older wealthy gentleman takes a liker to the much younger Maria and is smitten with her, I love the part in the movie where the girl comes home , and she doesn't think that her father is home yet, her mother asks her whats wrong at first the young girl doesn't say , but the all knowing mother get's it out of her, and the young girl starts to confess what's been bothering her,, a man, who she is in love with , but doesn't want her anymore or so she thinks. well then the father walks in just at the right moment and says never-mind I heard everything,, he disowns her .. and kicks her butt to the curb for disgracing the family name... what a lovely movie.. recommend to anyone who likes these old b/w movies.
Woodyanders Caddish, but smooth and charming Squire William Corder (a wonderfully lively and aggressive portrayal by Tod Slaughter) is infatuated with lovely, young, but poor Maria Marten (an appealing performance by the fetching Sophia Stewart). Corder makes love to and impregnates her. Corder than murders Maria and hides her body in a red barn so he can wed an unattractive, but wealthy woman in order to pay off his substantial gambling debts. Director Milton Rosner, working from a simple, yet still absorbing script by Randall Faye, relates the engrossing story at a sturdy enough pace, maintains a grim and serious tone throughout, and delivers a tasty depiction of the period rural setting. Of course, Slaughter's galvanizing four-sheets-to-the-wind unrestrained theatrics are a total rip-snorting blast to behold; he plays the supremely odious, sneaky, and duplicitous Corder with a fiendish lip-licking relish that keeps the picture humming throughout. The supporting cast is likewise solid, with stand-out contributions by Eric Portman as Maria's smitten and passionate gypsy suitor Carlos, D.J. Williams as the stern Farmer Thomas Marten, Gerald Tyrell as the dim-witted Timothy Winterbottom, and Ann Trevor as the sassy Nan. The thrilling climax is staged with real flair and the ending concludes on a satisfying note with harsh justice being properly served. George Stretton's primitive, but passable cinematography boasts a few nice fades and dissolves. Leo T. Croke's spare score also does the trick. Worthwhile viewing for Tod Slaughter fans.
damfinobk BEWARE: SPOILERS ABOUND!! Not a perfect film, but moments are absolutely incredible. Talk about being ahead of your censors in 1935.The story is one that the censors at the time probably would not want to have told. An older man (played by Slaughter) has a "one night stand" with a woman who looks at least twenty years his junior (the character of Maria Marten). He promises the young girl marriage, but on the brink of ruin, decides to marry a rich woman instead. A few months later, Maria finds she's pregnant, and unable to hide the fact anymore. Her father reacts, in perfect melodramatic fashion, by turning her out into the streets. Maria forces Slaughter into a compromising position, and what's left to do? But kill her of course! The rest IS the story.Now, with that behind us, let me say this story is predictable, the direction for the most part is simple, the acting melodramatic, and the sound engineering is sub par. So now you ask yourself, why did I give the film 9/10 rating? The answer is simple: SLAUGHTER. Simply because of his perfect execution of the oft-overlooked performances of magnificent melodramatic villainy.The scene with the burial of Maria Marten made me realize that George King's lackluster direction may have all been a set-up for this scene. It's not extraordinary, it simply establishes a perfect atmosphere for Slaughter's performance. This scene is only seconded by the "digging up" scene that comes later, where Slaughter really bares his acting chops!Really worth seeing for Slaughter, but the story, which on the surface is quite simple, really comes to life in the last twenty minutes was left wandering what was coming next. Worth the watch!9/10 stars!
kidboots Tod Slaughter is simply fantastic. He bought to the screen, in all it's hammy glory, the old gaslight tradition of gory murder plays where people are encouraged to boo and hiss the villain and, of course, cheer the hero. Even though I had read about Tod Slaughter, I had never seen his films until a couple of years ago. They never take themselves too seriously and even if all the other actors are playing it straight, Tod Slaughter is hamming it up for all he is worth!!!The film starts off like a play, with all the characters being itroduced by the M.C. - "even Tod Slaughter himself"!!!!Eric Portman was probably the only actor in a Tod Slaughter film to go on to much better things in the next decade. In only his second film appearance, he plays Carlos, the gypsy who loves Maria. The film opens with a barn dance and Maria (Sophie Stewart) is proving herself quite a flirt, as she romances first the Squire and then Carlos. Squire Corder (Tod Slaughter) is told his fortune by one of the gypsies and it doesn't look too bright!!! He is told he will finish at the end of a rope - so he quickly banishes the gypsies from the barn. Later that night Maria visits the Squire and her head is turned with stories of London society.She often visits the Squire, telling her parents she is at choir practice. They begin to suspect her of being flighty and when she is caught with Carlos, he, seeing her confusion, confesses he is the man she has been seeing. Of course the Squire has no intention of marrying her - she is there as his plaything!!! When he loses his entire fortune at cards, he sets his sight on a wealthy widow. Meanwhile Maria finds out that she is pregnant and when her father throws her out, she goes to Squire Corder for help. He takes her to the Red Barn with promises of marriage - but murders her instead. Unfortunately (for him) in his haste he buries his gun in the grave. Carlos arrives back amid the claims that he was the last person to see Maria. He is determined to bring the evil Squire to justice. The village and the "Bow Street Runners" are on Carlos' trail and he leads them to the Red Barn where the Squire's dog Tiger starts to dig. First his gun is found and then Maria. The scene is set for a typical Slaughter ending as he quickly shows the madness he has been trying to hide.Highly Recommended.
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