Marco Polo
Marco Polo
| 16 May 1982 (USA)
Marco Polo Trailers

The life and experiences of the 13th-century explorer, who sought to connect the civilizations of China and Europe through trade.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
petrf I can't forget this miniseries. I can't believe it's 20yrs since I saw it on TV. It was said enough by others here, I just had to add my voice.
Edouard Baissier Mesert This is one of the most beautiful mini-series ever filmed. The script was good, the casting was beautiful, the music was wonderful. When TV is good, it is very, very good! This is a jewel, savor it, play it again, and marvel at the wondrous world of Marco Polo.
jlibarra It is a pity that after a great number of years this masterpiece has not been released (DVD-VHS)to be enjoyed by others. It is an extraordinary tell in regard of human nature, different cultures, traveling, adventure, friendship, love, loyalty. It should be taken into consideration for educational/historical purposes. It would be a real shame not to take additional advantage of this magnificent work.
jerphayes This is one of the better Mini series to be put forth by made for t.v series, showing when t.v. studio production gets it right they get it right. If anyone knows where I can locate a video copy of this please let me know. It's a exquisite story based on the true life adventures and experiences of Marco Polo the Venetian explorer and traveler. It spell binds you to the true life adventures and times of Marco Polo. You are made aware of the intrigues both politcal and as well as economic that send Marco Polo on this long journey. You feel the horror, terror and devastation that the black plague brings to a Middle Eastern port city where death seems to abound around every corner. You feel the majesty and the pageantry of the Great Khan's court and the simple humanity of friendship, expressed between two human beings from different worlds, the Great Khan and Marco Polo. You see Leonard Nimoy in his in between days of Star Trek the t.v. series and the Star Trek bigscreen productions; as Ahmet the evil Muslim administrator in the court of the Great Khan who trys to destroy Marco Polo because he's a rising star in the court of the Great Khan. This is one panoramic, cinemagraphic feast for the eyes truly a miniseries masterpiece and I don't say that lightly. This production could easily serve as historic docu-drama of the life and times of Marco Polo it entertains as well as educates. NBC the originating broadcaster needs to dig into there vaults and dust this one off and let a new generation experience the passion, the majesty and the adventure that is Marco Polo.