Manhunt of Mystery Island
Manhunt of Mystery Island
NR | 17 March 1945 (USA)
Manhunt of Mystery Island Trailers

Claire Forrest seeks her kidnapped scientist father, hidden somewhere on Mystery Island. He is held and forced to work on diabolical inventions by Captain Mephisto, a costumed villain.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
judiwegley One of the main reasons I enjoyed this serial so much is because Linda Stirling seemed to rescue our hero almost as many times as he rescues her! This made her role a little ahead of its time, I think. She was more a team player than just a damsel in distress. Really fun stuff and Linda plays her part to the fullest. It must have been a drag having to wear the same outfit for 15 episodes, but,in true serial fashion, none of the guys lost their hats during the numerous fight scenes. I tend to watch for that - it's kind of a trademark of serials. I thought it was fun to try and figure out which one of the cast was the real Captain Mephisto! This is great "Rainy Day" fare - and relatively family-friendly! I recommend it.
rudge49 Caught this one on TV in its TV-movie form in 1966, now it is in my collection. Roy Barcroft considered this one his favorite, I can see why, he gets to play a villain who can disappear into a completely different body, how's that for a disguise. Contains one of the all time great villain's quotes. Captain Mephisto explains to the Kenne Duncan character how he transforms from his secret identity into Captain Mephisto. When the latter responds, "Oh I understand" Captain Mephisto says "If I thought you understood I'd kill you!" How's that for villainy? Top stuntman Dale Van Sickel doubling for Roy Barcroft, the usual top notch stunt work by the Lydecker brothers, non stop action, an intriguing if far fetched plot. About the only complaint I have is that I've never seen it on the Big Screen.
ratwell1 Being raised in the golden era of movie serials, this in my opinion ranks as the top of them all, the setting is on an island where there are four partners that are co-owners. One of the partners is is seeking to destroy anything or anyone who is standing in the way of his accomplishing his mission. Linda Sterling the queen of the movie serials puts on another splendid performance as a the daughter of the scientist who spurns every attempt of Captain Mephisto requesting his cooperation. I would be remiss if I omitted The king of of serials Roy Barcroft who once again excels as the prime villain. serials. I would be remiss if I omitted the chief henchman of the villainous Captain Mephisto so aptly portrayed by Kenne Duncan. . Whenever I become a little bored, I can always play one of the many tapes I possess and it will always pick up my spirits.,especially the serials
Harold-10 As far as Linda Stirling's cliffhangers go, this is the best of the bunch. Stirling stars along with Republic staple Roy Barcroft and Richard Bailey in the search for an evil pirate from the past. Lance (Bailey) and Claire (Stirling) head to Mystery Island to search for Claire's father, a scientist being held by the evil Captain Mephisto. Mephisto is a pirate from 200 years earlier, who is transformed into a business man who owns part of the island. The mystery lies in which one of the four owners actually is Mephisto.Claire is a spitfire of a damsel, able to hold her own against Mephisto and his henchmen. This serial is partially directed by legendary stuntman Yakima Canutt, so the chases, the fights and the explosions are all top notch. Of course, there is a level of kitsch that comes with the territory of chapterplays, but this one has its own charm, and is a example of what a cliffhanger should be.