Mall Girls
Mall Girls
| 11 November 2009 (USA)
Mall Girls Trailers

Shopping malls - today's place of creating desires. Best jewelry, clothes, shoes. Unaffordable by young girls, but they "work" to get themselves sponsors for new items.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Gordon-11 This film is about the life of a young village girl after moving to a big city. She meets new friends, who influences her to a life of spiralling depravity."Mall Girls" tells the miserable life of Ala, who has no friends after moving to a city. She desperately clings onto dubious peers who treats her like equal, doing things that she would normally not do. As a result, her life spirals out of control. The way she throws her life away is so sad. It is raw and heartbreaking. I find the portrayal of the three malls girls very three dimensional, especially Milena. Her reason for her tormented soul is shown through a heart to heart with Ala, which is emotionally gripping. The ending of the film is tragic but satisfying."Mall Girls" is an extraordinarily disturbing portrayal of troubled youths. Maybe it can serve as an alarm call as to what our world is doing to shape the young adults.
tanzpartner I saw this last night in the hope of getting a little better understanding of what might be going on in young girls minds. Being a father myself I thought, maybe there's something that I can take away as a lesson or something that I perhaps overlooked.But what I was presented with was a vast collection of the crudest prejudices and an infinite collection of human short-comings that we've seen a gazillion times before.Character development? Sort of... not really. But I never really felt for any of the characters.Acting? School theater level.Writing? Pretty much no original line or thought in there. We've seen everything before. How about balancing it with decent people, you know, those people inhibit this world as well. Everywhere. Not just the screwed up brutal / cheating / lying / deceiving kind. But if you wanna do a downward spiral film then why not go all the way and be honest about it? Why water it down, package it in "social drama" when that's not really what you're presenting??Add to that the fact that the sound of the film was terrible, terrible, terrible (ok, it's not a big production movie) and that the music a) never added or enhanced any true feeling or perspective and was b) mixed totally wrong. Even the cheapest of sound-engineers that you can book should at least know the difference between source music and dramatic/score music. This just weakens the experience.I really regret going to see it and in the middle even thought about walking out.
K M ...during the film festival. It was an interesting film. In the Q&A after the movie, the director said that this movie was inspired by a story she read about real girls who were selling favors at the mall in exchange for money, clothes, etc. She said that she interviewed real girls who were doing this, but that the people in this movie are actresses and not real teen prostitutes. It wasn't as shocking as the 90's movie "Kids", but from comments made during the Q&A, this sort of behavior is very shocking in Poland. I think in many areas in the US/Canada, it is also shocking, but perhaps not completely unexpected. I think that the sexual situations happen a lot everywhere, but perhaps not the payment after the act. Overall, I think it was pretty believable and the teen actors/actresses were pretty convincing.
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