Make Your Own Bed
Make Your Own Bed
NR | 10 June 1944 (USA)
Make Your Own Bed Trailers

Walter and Vivian live in the country and have a difficult time keeping servants. Walter then hires a private detective who has been fired for arresting the District Attorney. They only way that Walter can get Jerry to work for him is to tell Jerry that his life is in danger; the neighbor is trying to take his wife; and that Nazi spies are everywhere. Jerry needs a cook for his 'cover' so he gets his fiancée Susan to work with him. To keep Jerry working, Walter sends the threatening letters to himself and hires actors to play the spies but when a real group of spies disguised as a troupe of radio actors appears on the scene, events quickly spiral out of control.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
dougdoepke Uneven comedy that benefits from Jack Carson's mugging skills but that's about all. The plot's darn near incomprehensible in its three main threads. The comedic thread where Carson and Wyman take on servant's duties they're totally unprepared for is promising. The second thread about his detective work is okay. But the third, about supposedly pseudo-Nazis is a gesture to the time and very poorly managed. Overall, the comedy's left mainly to Carson and not the movie itself. Then too, director Godfrey doesn't seem very engaged, as though the script and Carson should be enough. Check out director Alan Dwan's thematically similar Getting Gertie's Garter (1945) for an edifying contrast. Nonetheless, there are some amusing bits— the bed bouncing test that's also innuendo, Carson and Wyman preparing the world's worst fancy meal, and Carson showering in the girl's quarters where towels magically appear. Too bad Carson's largely forgotten. He was a fine all around actor, as adept at drama as he was at comedy. The movie, however, is far from his best.
blanche-2 Jack Carson and Jane Wyman star in "Make Your Own Bed," from 1944, also starring Alan Hale and Ricardo Cortez.Carson plays Jerry, a private detective, who is in jail for arresting the DA. In jail, he meets Walter (Hale) there on a minor matter. Walter is desperate for a cook and butler. In order to get Jerry to work for him, he says that his life is in danger, a neighbor is after his wife, and Nazi spies abound. He also wants a cook, so Jerry talks his fiancée Susan (Wyman) to go along with him.Walter does all he can to keep Jerry "on the case." He sends threatening letters to himself and hires radio actors to play spies.Walter can't buttle, and Susan can't cook but they keep trying; despite there being no case originally, it turns out there is one after all.Cute but dated, with Jerry presenting Susan as his wife and then being stuck in a room with her that has a double bed. It's a very slight movie, with decent acting. Carson was always pleasant and Wyman very talented and pretty, Hale appropriately uppity - all are good, there's just not much to the movie.
JohnHowardReid A very amusing comedy, directed with an occasional flourish by Peter Godfrey (e.g. Jack Carson's frantic chase after Jane Wyman through the sidewalk crowds), and cleverly photographed by Robert Burks. Two of my favorite people, namely Ricardo Cortez and Tala Birell, have only minor roles, alas, but Jack Carson is in his element as a would-be detective and there's a most unusual interpretation by Robert Shayne of Carson's Ralph Bellamy-style boss! Jane Wyman makes an effective stooge. Her cooking scene is very neatly timed. In fact, the whole episode with the dinner is really hilarious, each gag being neatly topped by another, and thus building to a really rib-tickling finale. Alan Hale makes an excellent foil, while Irene Manning and George Tobias provide many chuckles with their well-timed comedy support. True, the movie is not all clear sailing. There are a couple of slow patches – chiefly two or three dialogue exchanges between Carson and Wyman which sharper film editing should have trimmed away. (Clarence Kolster must have been asleep at his bench). Nevertheless, the pace generally is brisk and seeing the movie on TV does not have the same ambiance as viewing it in a theatre. The situations are lively and amusing, while production values might certainly be described as lavish. In fact, photography, sets, costumes and music scoring could all justly be labeled "top-drawer".
David (Handlinghandel) This movie has at least four plots going on at once. They really don't work well together and none on its own is plausible.The direction is at a frantic pace. It's forced and charmless and it looks as if everyone involved knew this. The pace is like a Looney Toons cartoon but neither that nor sound effects nor zany music helps.I found joking about Nazis in so offhand a manner in 1944 shocking. One of the plots involves radio actors who pretend to be real Nazis and then turn out in fact to be real Nazis. The word is pronounced by almost all the actors so that the first syllable sounds like that of the word nasty.Maybe the movie was made before its year of release but if so, it ought to have been scrapped altogether. There was nothing remotely funny about Nazism in 1944 (nor was there or will there ever be.)about Nazism in 1944 (nor was there or will there ever be.)