Magic Man
Magic Man
| 04 November 2009 (USA)
Magic Man Trailers

In order to see magic idol Krell Darius perform his world-famous magic act, a beautiful aspiring young-magician, Tatiana, travels from New York to Las Vegas with her closest friends, BFFs, Elena and Vera. As the layers of illusion unfold, so too do the dark windows into Tatiana's past

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
kamikaze-4 What's worse than this movie having an illogical ending? Where do I start? Could it be the Russian leading lady who only knows three reaction shots, and never once is she right on the reaction shot. The popular Russian Leading man who aspires to be next Van Damme/Schwarzeneggar despite the fact very few people in Russian have heard of him? Or is it the veteran US actors, Zane, Davi, Divoff and Tyson who look and act as if they are doing this film for a quick paycheck? Who knows? Oh Billy! How could you? If anybody can explain the ending, please feel free to explain it to me. You might be glad you did.
Larica79 I feel obligated to post a comment for this total crap of the movie to warn people to avoid it completely. I must say that I'm a big fan of Billy Zane, Armand Assante and Robert Davy, and I expected so much of this thriller when I saw the cast. They are all great actors, and I fail to understand why they accepted to take part in this disaster of the movie.The plot sounded promising at the beginning, despite the fact that you can guess with a great deal of certainty who the killer is. But, as the movie continues, you realize that the screenplay was written by an obvious retard. This gets even worse at the end when you realize that the only remaining mystery of how the heck the killer did it, and why in such a sinister way, is never resolved. Honestly, the only reason why I tortured myself watching this utmost crap of the movie to the end was to discover HOW the killer killed his victims. And I was so furious at the end to realize that I've spent almost an hour and a half of my life in vain.The director did even a worse job here. Such great actors already mentioned above seem like novices, totally dull and crude. The sound is awful, the ambiance is terrible and poor, and the movie seems so cheap that I still cannot comprehend why these great Hollywood names accepted their roles. Maybe they did their job well, but the final result is so bad that I started wondering if Billy Zane, Armand Assante and Robert Davy are good actors after all.The movie is a torture for your brain, it is an insult even for an average intelligent mind. Don't bother wasting your time and money on this movie, you can only get disappointed.
lynn-jim-burke Could be the worst movie I have ever watched...normally I would press 'stop' but some for reason I watched this train wreck through to the nonsensical ending.The premise was interesting but the acting brutal (someone had a bang on comparison to Arnie for the Russian cop), script stunted and the weaving of the scenes - well 'chunky' comes to mind.No one should pay more than they would for a can of Red Bull to watch this movie - drink one before because you are going to need it!!This movie is not worth the 10 lines of script but i felt it necessary to add this in order to spare some poor soul out there.
JohnnyGalt2008 I watched this because I like Billy Zane, Armand Assante, and haven't seen them in a while. I know Billy hasn't been up for any Oscars that I'm aware of, but he's got a style I like in Titanic, Demon Night, the Sniper movie, he's not bad and I'm a fan. Armand Assante on the other hand has had some Oscar worthy performances in his career. The main detective on the case is this is Robert Davi, he's pretty good too. This is something that they are all going to want to have permantly deleted from their resume's. This sucked in a way I would not have thought possible from even low end talent, much less what they have to work with here. Lifetime movies look like Oscar winnings compared to this crap. The script was written by a third grader I think, and they probably let him direct it too. Who ever is responsible for this should not just be kicked out of Hollywood, he should be taken behind the woodshed and given a good beating. I am just sorry to say they have a minimum vote of 1 star, because this didn't even deserve that.