Magdalena's Brain
Magdalena's Brain
R | 25 July 2006 (USA)
Magdalena's Brain Trailers

Magdalena Welling (Amy Shelton-White) wasn't always a recluse, living in an abandoned warehouse, surrounded by outdated computers, archaic medical equipment, and responsibilities almost too great to bear. She was once a successful surgeon; her husband Arthur (Sanjiban), a brilliant scientist. But now, they exist in a world of emptiness and solitude, continuing the radical artificial intelligence research that Arthur had started a lifetime before. Before the accident. Now, after four years of ceaseless work, they've made a breakthrough, a discovery so great that it could change the face of science. But it will also require a sacrifice so great, that Magdalena's world will never be the same.

Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
gaamstutz i enjoyed this film. i thought it was well done overall. it had a dark mood to it that told your inner being that something was wrong. however it is not till the twist at the end that you realize just how wrong. i felt that the lead character was likable and i really wanted her to succeed in her experiment. this film is about 75minutes long and some say that is short, but i would rather watch 75minutes of good film than 120minutes of bad. i would not change a thing, it is a good film with a surprise ending that really did surprise me! i feel if you give this film a fair chance you will not be let down.
levon-8 I had never heard of Amy Shelton-White before this film and was surprised at what a good job she did portraying the lead character Magdalena. This film is unconventionally entertaining to the end. The cinematography was pleasantly shot throughout the 75 minutes – artful and carefully drawn out. The old building made an ideal set.I actually said 'Wow" several times throughout the film. Most films don’t have the balls to take risks like this film did. I was taken by surprise on a few developments and that counted a lot towards the overall viewing experience.Yeah some of the acting was rough around the edges as said by some of the reviews on here, but that was to be expected from an independent film and this was limited to some of the smaller roles and speaking parts.
Modest_47 I know, I know sometimes you go into the movie store looking for something a little underground hoping it will be gold. I know I do. That's why when my brother told me he knew the guy who made this I was even more excited to check it out. But let me just tell you this movie breaks about a million laws from film school 101 (and not in the good way.) Long pauses, numerous unnecessary walking shots, and basically anything else a bad student film could contain. Every time the movie broaches something even close to interesting it suddenly cuts to a more quite brooding scene which doesn't tell us anything. It's not good bad and it's not bad bad, it's nothing and what a letdown at the end.
wrlang Magdalena's Brain is an interesting divergence on the psychotic personality. Maggie is the wife and research assistant to Arther and they are creating a crystalline structure that is 1,000 times denser and faster than the human brain and can operate the same way, by learning. It promises to be a boon to science if they can complete it. Things start to unravel quickly at the end as they complete the experiments and attempt to use it on a human subject. The editing and directing were pretty bad with many long pauses where none were necessary. Ordinarily you would have some dramatic effect with the pauses, but nothing… The acting, plot, dialog, and screen play were fair. Nothing spectacular, but nothing supper bad either.