PG | 01 January 1978 (USA)
Madman Trailers

Killing as many commies as he can is the goal of a hatred consumed private in the Israeli Army. The memory of his torture in a Russian mental hospital has driven him to revenge. Persuading his friends and lovers to join him in his quest, he sets out on a mission of blood and vengeance. Sigourney Weaver stars as the brave woman who must love and trust a madman.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
ranchgal01 I really enjoyed this movie, I think Michael Beck does some of his best work here-this is the performance that got him the part of Swan in The Warriors. His portrayal of bruised and damaged Boris Abromvitch is sometimes almost hard to watch, but I couldn't stop watching either. But it is his interaction with the rest of the cast and their reaction to his determination and commitment to his cause that makes this movie great. You want him to heal up and be normal by the end of the movie, when you find out how damaged he is, and when everyone else finds out, and their reactions and rethinking of their own situations, and what matters in their lives--What becomes important. F Murray Abrahams is great as the almost stereotypical "hip" guy, who befriends Boris, and I thought this was a really good drama to watch. I am so glad I found this one.
louis_sexig T h i s i s a g o o d m o v i e a n d i t h i n k y o u s h o u l d s e e i t. I s a w i t a n d l a u g h e d v e r y m u c h . Y o u w i l l l o v e t h i s m o v i e . I R e c o m m e n d t o e a t s o m e p o p c o r n a n d d r i n k a c o k e t o t h e m o v i e.
jbell-2 I am a huge fan of Sigourney Weaver, I have been since the 4th grade when I saw Alien. I've seen all her movies and own them all too, on VHS and all available DVD formats. Well, Madman is about what I expected. It's not much to watch and Sigourney's part is not all that big. None of the plot seems to fit and I have no idea what was going on, but Weaver looks great. This was right after Annie Hall and right before Alien, so I guess she got a chance to get her feet wet. If you like F. Murray Abraham or Sigourney, it'd be the only reason to watch or own.