R | 15 August 2006 (USA)
Machined Trailers

Collectors have been known to go to extreme lengths to get what they want. For Motor Man Dan, the ultimate would be to have his very own serial killer, to fulfill his sick, obsessive, murderous appetite. Ryan, the victim of a terrible accident who suffered severe head trauma, would be that missing piece to complete Motor Man's demented collection. Motor Man would then tool and manufacture a half machine, half man, serial killer, which he would then orchestrate and produce an assortment of killing scenarios. From director Craig McMahon comes this gruesome/slasher tale of a desolate man that took collecting serious.

ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Claudio Carvalho While driving through the Arizona Sonoran Desert, Ryan (Jose Rosete) runs out of fuel and he is forced to stop his car. The sadistic mechanic and collector of serial killer weapons Motorman Dan (David C. Hayes) runs over Ryan and brings him to his workshop, transforming him in a killer wearing a strange outfit. Ryan kills clients of the mechanic workshop for the pride and joy of Motorman Dan, becoming a serial-killer. Meanwhile his sister Angela (Patti Tindall) seeks out Ryan in the desert and meets Motorman Dan, who abducts her for Ryan, while her husband Clay (Mark Ray) chases Angela.The sadistic low-budget "Machined" is an annoying and tedious crap. The ridiculous plot is stupid, and the soundtrack causes irritation to the viewer. The unknown Patti Tindall has a good performance but is unable to save this fiasco. The fake reviews promoting this flick misguided my choice and I saw this garbage expecting to see a reasonable horror movie. My vote is two.Title (Brazil): "Oficina da Morte" ("Workshop of the Death")
glass-of-blood I've seen some pictures made on video but were lit for motion picture. You would be amazed how much a difference that makes. This picture wasn't lit for "motion" picture and with so much darkness you can only wonder how much better this could have looked. Does this picture look bad? I wouldn't say that. This picture has the creepy element going on and that's what makes this picture go. I only bring up the lighting because I've never seen so much put into lighting but on an independent level. I don't know if it's a bad thing or a good thing but it did work for this picture. I guess I'm interested if it would work in any other type of independent film. I liked how it worked out for this picture. The three main characters did a good job. I think though that in a picture like this you need a few more kills. If you're going to have a maniac being controlled by another maniac, go all out and kill everyone. Watch it if you're a independent picture lover.
Edith69 This film is hardly a masterpiece but its still very effective with some really creepy atmosphere ala WOLF CREEK. Gore is quite low but there are some good kills . Big reason to watch it ,is to see the hilarious David Hayes playing the delightfully perverse Motor Man Dan. Other than Hayes, the acting is pretty bad.. ESPECIALLY the lead actress,yikes and that blind lady ..GOOD HEAVANS!! The director does have a lot of talent though and created an insane set in a some desert junkyard.He just needs more to work with. For a first time indie film on a shoe-string budget MACHINED does deliver as much as it possibly can . All I can say is more gore next time and nudity..just not Motorman Dan naked!
wrlang Machined looked interesting, but was a conglomeration of plots ultimately more like a Frankenstein film. The acting was between bad and OK. The camera work was spotty at best with some good shots, but mostly bad and mostly b/w looking because of low light levels. Screenplay wasn't very believable and the dialog struggled tremendously. It was a horror film that just wasn't very horrifying, more sickening. A garage mechanic in a remote desert service station creates a man/machine hybrid that does his murderous bidding. The mechanic doesn't get many customers, but they all stop by at the worst possible moment for both the mechanic and the viewer.