R | 06 March 2007 (USA)
Machine Trailers

Two pounds of pressure on a trigger pays really well... Ex special forces mercenary and now hardened criminal Vic, lives in a world of cons, double crosses, crooked cops, mob bosses and drug dealing crime lords. Playing by his own rules, Vic and his partner Frank work both sides of the street, caring only about where they can score and take down the most cash.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
amazon-711-713630 A friend bought this monstrosity on Blueray for peanuts from a well-known auction website. I guess the grainy look is supposed to be arty or some such nonsense, but it gives it the feeling of having been shot on a mobile phone. This copy had been somehow post-processed to make it "3D", but it's been done abysmally, with the 3D effect not being there for the first half second or so of each scene, which is a headache-inducing experience to watch.As for the plot...who knows. People run around and shoot each other, for no immediately apparent reason.Look out for the sex scene, it's truly hilarious.
Kristi The plot is like one of those mouse mazes where you know you will get to the end, but you aren't sure how many turns it will take to get there, or if there will be any cheese on the way out. Others comment on the grain of the yea. who cares? Its the plot that counts, and I think this had a straight forward plot with enough subplots to make it that maze that keeps us interested. Well, it worked for me anyways. I definitely have to disagree with the rating it has, as there are terrible movies with at least a 4 rating and this one should be a 6 at least! If you like murder and criminals all wrapped up in a plot that twists like a ball of yarn the cat played with, well this is worth a watch.
gpkalisz How do movies this bad even get made anymore? Looked decent, too bad it was pointless, dumb, and unexciting. What's the point of having an R rating if no one is going to bleed when they get shot? I hated this trash. Other than that, the movie made absolutely no sense and pretty much soiled the careers of any actor involved with it. I'm very unhappy with Mr. Blonde, i thought he was less of a loser, guess not though. I can't believe i even made it through the entire movie, it seemed like 3-4 hours long, it was literally torture to watch. Garbage Garbage Garbage, since this movie doesn't seem to be out yet, the producers should probably just scrap it and save their selves a lot of embarrassment. Jesus, this movie REALLY sucked!
dj_stv Beside the fact that Michael Madsen and Neal McDonough, the only actors worth watching in this movie, appear for 4 to 6 minutes tops, the leading actor is Michael Lazar, who directed, wrote and produced the movie is by far, one of the worst actors I've unwillingly saw.The whole movie is filmed with a miniDV cam, like the ones u took with u on ur family vacations, with no lighting or any additional cinematic equipment. The lines are absolutely dull and just awful... the main idea of the movie is a debt that Vic (Michael Lazar) has to pay to Santo (Nick Vallelonga), a local mob boss, which is, we all agree, a very new and a revolutionary plot...To sum it up, if u really have to see this movie (by really I mean REALLY), don't do it alone cus u'll fall asleep before noticing.