Ma Barker's Killer Brood
Ma Barker's Killer Brood
NR | 03 February 1960 (USA)
Ma Barker's Killer Brood Trailers

Ma Barker and her four sons terrorize the 1930s South and Midwest with a string of kidnappings, robberies and murders, and even get to work with such famous criminals as John Dillinger and Baby Face Nelson.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Richard Chatten A major disappointment. As the apocryphal prize-winning cook and master criminal, Laurene Tuttle (who later the same year had a hilarious cameo as Sheriff Chambers' wife in 'Psycho') could really have shone as Ma Barker if she'd been backed by a halfway decent script & production; but this drab-looking quickie bogs down in endless talk and poorly executed action. The high spot is probably the eye-watering scene in which Byron Foulger plays a plastic surgeon too drunk to properly handle a scalpel.
MartinHafer "Ma Barker's Killer Brood" is a bad film. Most of the exploits of Ma Barker and her boys in this film are complete fiction. The gang did not have parties attended by all the most-wanted criminals (Dillinger, Machine Gun Kelly and many others). Additionally, the writing and characterizations were far from subtle. Yet, despite being a bad film, it has a certain kitschy quality that makes it fun viewing. I am pretty sure that Lurene Tuttle had a grand time acting as the leading lady!! In many ways, I think this film was an inspiration to John Waters, as you see a lot of Divine in this film. Don't believe me? Try watching "Pink Flamingos" and "Female Trouble" and you'll see what I mean. Herein lies the beauty of the film. It never strives for accuracy but instead tries very, very hard to be loud, outlandish and ridiculous--and VERY enjoyable. Although I gave the film a 5, it IS a must-see for bad movie freaks! By the way, in a case of interesting casting, look of future "My Three Sons" actor Don Grady as a member of this hellish clan!
wjrprezhistorian I agree -- it was low budget schlock at its worst -- but I enjoyed it! I enjoyed seeing a Young Don Grady (of TV's My Three Sons fame) as one of the kids in the beginning of the film...Lurene Tuttle was quite 'campy' in her portrayal of 'Ma.' I only knew her from her days as the older nurse on the late 1960's TV series 'Julia' (starring Diahann Carroll).I'll tell you how much I enjoyed this picture, I had gone to see a movie based on a Tony Award winning play earlier in the day, something that I had been looking forward to seeing, but I was thoroughly disenchanted and disgusted with it.At least, with 'Ma', I did not expect HIGH expectations of it, but I enjoyed it!
Paul Curtis This film is terrific fun! It makes up for its tiny budget with wild, over-the-top performances (Lurene Tuttle was sweet-voiced Effie on the Sam Spade radio show...WHAT a DIFFERENCE!), extreme violence (one part where they set a guy on fire gets shown TWICE!) and goofy, quotable dialogue.This is the kind of movie The Addams Family would watch with their kids.With these things in mind, viewers looking for an accurate, historical picture will be disoriented, or at least disappointed. This is definitely not a good source for American History term papers. It is intended as a source for giggly thrills, and is a good one.
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