Lynch (one)
Lynch (one)
| 26 October 2007 (USA)
Lynch (one) Trailers

Rare glimpse into the fascinating mind of one of cinema's greatest directors. Footage was gathered over a two year period and documents David Lynch's many creative interests as well as his passion for filmmaking. It’s “abstract trip” which reveals new aspects of the personality and the cinematographic vision of one of the exceptional authors of contemporary cinema. Personal portrait of David Lynch and his creative universe.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Terrell Howell (KnightsofNi11) If you didn't think David Lynch was weird enough by watching his movies then might I suggest the biographical documentary Lynch. Lynch chronicles David Lynch as he goes about making his most recent film, Inland Empire and the bizarre creative process he went through to make that film. It is a film that attempts to profile a man whose mind I don't think any of us could ever understand. The way Lynch thinks is in a completely different ball park than the normal human brain, and his films show that. After watching Lynch I'm not sure whether the auteur is a genius or a mad man, but I do know that he is a dedicated director who knows what he wants and damn sure gets what he wants.It is always interesting to see a director in front of the camera in their own natural habitat and surroundings, doing what they do best to produce the things we watch. Lynch plenty satisfies this interest as the focus of the entire film is on nothing else but him. David Lynch is the central figure for the entire documentary and everything is about him, which is only appropriate for a film called Lynch. Throughout the film we get to see and experience what Lynch does and what he is about, but I don't feel like I have any better understanding of the man after watching this documentary.Lynch is a film with no coherence and no structure. It is essentially just a bunch of clips, all focusing on David Lynch, strewn together in a meaningless fashion. Honestly, I feel the same way about the structure of this documentary as I do about some of Lynch's own films. And maybe that is what the filmmakers were shooting for, a documentary that paralleled the structure of the films it was documenting. Regardless, it only left me confused and perplexed.If there's one personality trait I can pull from David Lynch after watching this documentary, it is the fact that he is quite pretentious. I was feeling vibes of self righteousness and extreme self importance from everything that Lynch said in this film and it makes it hard to connect with the man. I respect his passion and ambition, but I get the sense that he feels he can do whatever he wants with film. Of course in a way he can, but it is at the expense of others who are getting yelled at by Lynch or those who are left detached because of how distanced and strange Lynch is.But it is through this that Lynch raises an interesting point of where one separates the artist from the art. I love David Lynch films and I always enjoy his bizarreness and disturbing surrealism, but I don't enjoy David Lynch himself nearly as much. He is a visionary, yes, but too full of himself and too strange to really connect with. He is a man in his own world, but when he brings that world to us through film, it is a pleasant experience.I wouldn't call Lynch fun or entertaining, but it is definitely strange and it provides an odd insight into David Lynch. This insight doesn't necessarily give us a clearer understanding of the man, but it certainly paints a picture as to why his films are the way they are and why they are all so strange. Because David Lynch, himself, is the ultimate incarnation of strange.
psaygin I am a huge Lynch fan and enjoyed many scenes in this movie. I always find it interesting to find out about his process and this movie will surely interest his fans. This shows him during the filming of Inland Empire. I loved that movie, though I did feel it could have done with a bit tighter of an edit. And this film is kinda similar. In that sense, this is a good complement to IE. I also agree with previous reviewers who mentioned Lynch on Lynch, there is a similar tone.The movie has much Lynch style with buzzing lights, flicker, strange sounds... Youtube parodies have done it too, so you know what I mean. I got annoyed with it, but then I also kinda liked it.I found Lynch likable, creative and interesting, as always. It's interesting that it can be so easy to enter the mind of director often called incomprehensible or surreal.
david I don't know what it is, but there is something about this film. I saw it just yesterday and I still don't know what to think. on one hand, the story doesn't flow, and I seriously doubt if there is a story at all. if there is, it is very well hidden within the layers of the film, just like in a good Lynch movie. however, don't bother yourselves finding it. I think it's not there...This is basically an elliptical look, shot very nicely on DV, of David Lynch at home and at work. it's not your typical documentary with interviews, history and opinions. rather than that, it's an intimate journey of the filmmaker through some moments he had with Lynch at his house and on the set of INLAND EMPIRE. as such, the movie lacks straightforwardness, which is essential to this kind of documentary. all sorts of different scenes of Lynch talking on the phone, preparing the sets for his film production, painting and telling stories from his life. it would definitely interest any Lynch fan, but as a movie whole this is not satisfactory.The beauty of the film lies within the montage itself, revealing a very real Lynch, not the artist, not the myth, but just the man, the human being who has great ideas for movies and paintings and just loves the "doing". this is a key morale to anyone out there who wants to be an artist. these little moments with Lynch alone really worth the watching. they are funny and sometimes surreal.An interesting point: the film was directed by blackANDwhite, a pseudonym for someone, and was produced by absurda, Lynch's own production company. that makes me wonder whether Lynch is the real person behind this film but didn't want to take the credit? maybe he is responsible for the lack of coherent story, just because nothing really important happened in his life, except for making INLAND EMPIRE? maybe this is all Lynch wants to reveal, until the next documentary? if this is true, all I can say is that Lynch is a great businessman as well, keeping us wanting more footage, more glimpse into his life and way of thinking. plus, look at the credits at the end: the thank you credits reveal some names from Denmark, and especially from zentropa productions. it seems the director was influenced by the danish cinema of the last decade. but, again, i'm not sure this is for the benefit of the film.
swagner2001 'Lynch' really reminded me of Pennebaker's "Don't Look Back" Dylan documentary. There's no set form or story holding the film together. It's more a series of candid vignettes. David Lynch spins yarns about his days living in Philadelphia, and in Idaho. Cut to: Lynch talking on the telephone, explaining Transcendental Meditation. Cut to: Lynch brooding in a sound studio, upset that he doesn't know what he's doing, and then chews out an employee for not showing up on time.Nearly all the footage was shot in digital video. But don't let that turn you off. There's a very strong sense of mood and visual style in 'Lynch'. (With a director named 'blackANDwhite' how could the film NOT have intense, creepy, visual flair?)What pleased me most about the film was the creative editing. Rather than clumping all the Philadelphia stories together, or clumping all the footage shot at one particular time, together - we just see a tidbit. Lynch relates a story form his past. Then cut to Lynch pondering a painting he's working on. This moment will linger for a while, sometimes accompanied by eerie atmospheric music (the sound design is fantastic.) Then we see him going on a photo expedition in Poland, or carving and painting wood in a workshop.The scenes never grow tiring, because the environment and the activity constantly change.I've seen some documentaries on David Lynch before, where they interview people on the set, and actors explain how he works, etc. 'Lynch' is NOT that kind of film. 'Lynch' gives you a fly-on-the-wall perspective on what it's like to be David Lynch. It's an ideal film companion piece to the book "Lynch on Lynch".