NR | 12 February 2010 (USA)
Lunopolis Trailers

Lunopolis is a 2009 direct-to-video science fiction film directed by Matthew Avant. The film is presented in found footage style and takes place in the weeks preceding the rumored events of the 2012 prophecies. Two documentary filmmakers discover a mysterious device and begin to unravel a conspiracy involving the moon, time travel, and a very powerful organization who will stop at nothing to protect their secret.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Klaus Ming US 98m, Colour Director: Matthew Avant; Cast: Dave Potter, Jed Himel, Matthew Avant, Hal Maynor, Nathan Avant, Sarah Avant, Arte RichardA documentary styled film that is reminiscent of Alternative 3 (1977), Lunopolis is a science fiction film surrounding the discovery of a time machine. The film maker's investigations lead them to a conspiracy involving a Scientology-like cult and their control over knowledge surrounding the settlement of the moon and time travel which is used to reshape earth's future by changing events in the past. An excellently scripted production, Lunopolis is a well-crafted low-budget movie that contains some unexpectedly good special effects, and opening and closing scenes which neatly bookend this entertaining film (Klaus Ming July 2013).
louisianafilmcrew The independent South-Louisiana filmmakers who produce this film were pretty much spot on when it comes to low-budget documentary style filmmaking. You do have a lot of choices when it comes to documentary style films about the moon and moon conspiracies but I would say this is one of the ones to watch. The concept is great and does not attempted pander or talk down to its audience. The people being interviewed were spot on, great acting for non-actors. The director has potential but is still learning the ropes and could use some experience. But still pretty good ... For a low-budget film the cinematography was good and I found the film to be cut quite well. Again good job guys it's always nice to see a fellow Louisianian come up in the film industry. Rock on and keep it up ...
Uncle_Dermit I picked this movie up late one night on Hulu, quite casually, not knowing a thing about it.Fast forward an hour later and I'm watching the movie with a rifle across my lap, terrified to continue but too engrossed to stop.It isn't perfect, you can tell it's low budget at parts, but that doesn't stop it from being better than it has any right to be. The plot may be out-there, and the characters and dialogue ripped from a college campus, but Mother of God is it entertaining. I can't really say much about what happens, but if you like a good story, and love being creeped all the hell out, then drop the hour and a half. You can't do much better.
user-179-919554 Quite simply, his is the best movie I have seen in quite some time, easily, the best movie I've seen in 2011.Short of it: 10/10This movie is shot documentary style with some amazing special effects when you consider how low-budget the film is. If you liked District 9, it's told in the similar style but it just doesn't have any Prawn Battlesuits at the end. This movie actually made me creeped out by some of the events that took place. In my book, that's a great sign of story telling, and the environment fit perfectly for this tale.Lunopolis is a perfect blend of other movies and genres that delivers. Remember Blair Witch? It's like that, but has an ending 10 times better. It has elements of the unknown as the story slowly unfolds to reveal interesting tidbits that force our main characters to take action.Another aspect of this movie that I loved was the sci-fi/conspiracy angle. They told a great story with just enough truth to make the non- fiction parts believable to fit within the context of the script. This movie has deservedly won a bunch of independent awards across the globe, but you cannot call yourself a sci-fi fan if you don't watch this movie.