Lucicreide Goes to Mars
Lucicreide Goes to Mars
| 04 March 2021 (USA)
Lucicreide Goes to Mars Trailers

Lucidreide's home becomes a hell after the arrival of her mother-in-law, who evicted, decides to live there. Abandoned by her husband Dermirréi and unable to lead her home in front of her five children, she only has the desire to go away. Without understanding the size of a space voyage, Lucidreide accepts to participate in a mission that will take the first man to the Red Planet and is signed uo by the son of her bosses, Tavinho. He recalls that his father was selecting a person to integrate a training that would take a Brazilian to Mars. Believing that she is going to make her children happy, she leaves for training at Cape Canaveral in the United States.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.