Lovers Like Us
Lovers Like Us
PG | 12 December 1975 (USA)
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A young Frenchwoman fleeing her Italian fiancé in Caracas thrusts herself and those around her into madcap events.

Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
FilmCriticLalitRao For viewers outside of France,French film industry is identified by its 'art cinema' as well as its 'commercial cinema'.This is an important distinction to pigeonhole films as it enables viewers to choose films based on their personal tastes. Apart from the general film festival circuit, there is also a huge market for "French commercial films". This has created the perception that commercial films made in France are as entertaining, intelligent and meaningful as art films which have changed the shape of cinema. French director Jean-Paul Rappeneau is a director whose films have always oscillated between realms of art and commercial. The success of his third film "Le Sauvage" proved that even commercial films can convey a lot of useful information about human beings and the societies in which they live. For this film,fast paced action is a big virtue as leading pair of Yves Montand and Catherine Deneuve use all available emotions to entertain their audiences. One has to carefully watch the dogged determination with which Catherine Deneuve is able to get herself out of complex situations. Although Yves Montand's character prefers to lead a lonely yet simple life, it has been dubbed 'savage' due to the use of his 'savage force in rescuing Catherine Deneuve. Although the end is a trifle disappointing, Le Sauvage must be on all those viewers' wish list who would like to learn while getting entertained.
R. Ignacio Litardo Nelly (Catherine D.) is not your average good girl in this somewhat unusual movie. A former ... easy woman, had a "house" with two friends in Paris, then for some reason moved to Venezuela (!) working in a trendy night bar, but the first scene of the movie is her desperate present: she's been married, ostensibly unwillingly, to a crass rich vulgar ... Italian, extended family included. Even if her past is not exactly blameless, she looks them down haughtily, like a princess. Next thing she's doing is leaving on the middle of the wet Caracas night, which makes her come across our hero Martin, (Yves M.), and a mysterious and friendly looking American tourist. They all play an important part in this movie, of which I've only told you the first 5 minutes... :).If your view of Latin America includes corruption, urban car chases in streets without people, mafiosos, everybody shouting in Spanish *(including princess Deneuve), breaking everything at offices, brawls in bars, thefts, huge curly haired locals, burning things, greed, talks about money all the time, American companies exploiting locals, yes "Amigo", this is your film :).Ironies apart, while not exactly a very welcoming view of Venezuela, we do get to see the clearest water, a paradisiacal island, modern highways, and -for the time- those big, oil thirsty big American cars that could only be standard in an oil rich country :).Some films are able to be reasoned out, this is obviously not that kind :). If you accept the premises, I agree with other IMDb reviewers that as a "physical comedy" it fares pretty well. Who cares if the main characters (Nelly and Martin) change completely from scene to scene, from aloofness to giddy love, in turns, but asyncronously, so as to fill an hour and a half? Who want to know why is Martin so good at so many disparate and very difficult abilities, from top notch perfume making to building ships alone, drawing like an architect, or making an elaborate system for watering his ample vegetable garden, fighting and actually defeating thugs like mosquitoes, and yes, being able to resist Catherine D., probably one of the most beautiful women on the planet, on a desert island, like if there really were more important things to do :). Like raising chicken, for instance :). Why did Martin leave his important job and enigmatic rich American wife (Dana Wynter)? In short, who wants a plot when you can have Deneuve :)? I agree with IMDb reviewer "eva25at from Vienna" that the scenes where she is trying to win him over are funny, like the one with the rebellious chicken, or when she is astonished at watching real tomatoes "from the plant"... Nelly doesn't know much about farming :).We do get to see Catherine's legs and skittish movements, and for those so inclined, a decent torso (Yves'), rather well kept for his age (54 years old).Enjoy without qualms!PS: As a bonus, we get to see Deneuve's bosom, but you'll have to watch this film for more than an hour to get it. Worth the wait, if you ask me :).
JasparLamarCrabb Jean-Paul Rappeneau's extremely entertaining comedy stars Yves Montand as a disenchanted perfume executive who has his private island (and his ENTIRE life) invaded by flighty Catherine Denueve. She's escaping a pending marriage to hot-blooded lunatic Luigi Vannucchi and proceeds to make Montand's life miserable. Rappeneau's film is so chock full of mayhem, it reaches giddy peaks. A fun, nearly slapstick comedy with undeniable chemistry between the stars. Montand is in top form and Denueve is shockingly loose. Vannucchi is appropriately madcap, stealing each scene he's in. Tony Roberts is also in it and gets a lot of laughs as Deneuve's unsavory ex-boss. Bobo Lewis plays a crafty and unlikely private investigator. A great, very international (it's filmed in Venezuela, NYC and France) comedy.
writers_reign Recipe for escapist film: Take one top writer (Jean-Loup Dabadou), add one top director (Jean-Paul Rappeneau), season with a brace of A-list vedettes (Yves Montand, Catherine Deneuve), and a dash of screwball and voila! Eat! Enjoy! A guy who has quit the perfume business and found that the Grasse is greener in the islands, a gal running away from a vitriolic Italian, a stolen Lautrec, a bearded Montand, a gorgeous Deneuve, an island idyll. What more do you want. You DO want more? Gee, some people are NEVER satisfied. How about Tony Roberts doing the Tony Randall/Gig Young stooge to Doris Day-James Garner-Rock Hudson spot and proving up to snuff. NOW will you go see it and do yourself a favor. This is a million miles away from Godard pretentiousness and all the better for it. 9/10