Lovers' Concerto
Lovers' Concerto
| 13 September 2002 (USA)
Lovers' Concerto Trailers

A college student befriends two cute girls his age. He loses contact with them. He tries to find them years later. Lee Eun-ju performs the Main Theme Piano.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
cambridgiano Flashback: when the two girls were children, they decided to swap their names. The subtitles say "his" and not "her name" for one of them. That doesn't mean that one of the girls was actually a boy: in the simplicity of their childhood, one of them firstly thought that the other girl was a boy, by mistake. Just that! Or, at least, that's what i understood!I enjoyed the film, it shows how the characters who look at the beginning so naive, actually are very deep and hide a difficult part of their life, the illness. Also it shows how it is difficult to communicate your own feelings. The photography is amazing. I think it was too sad in the end. Also the plot become quite complicated with all those flashbacks. Very emotional, however.
jenlim get your Kleenex. you'll need it.if you haven't seen this movie, let this be the last review you read before you watch it. don't watch the trailers too; this movie is best seen when you have no idea what it's about. i must have gone "what???" at least four times in this movie. that's a good thing, since most movies nowadays don't have many surprises. one twist? two? try four, or five, depending on how well you can predict what'll happen.the acting was pretty okay, and the art direction is pleasant. you will have no trouble at all keeping your eyes glued to the screen, except for the necessary dabs here and there. even with the cheesy factor, my sister and i still cried a lot while watching this movie. my brother cried a little, and my cousin who's hell bent on not crying didn't cry but with a lot of's funny because i don't think anyone can truly relate to the characters in this movie, because the situation in lover's concerto is pretty unique. but the emotions are familiar and you'll have no trouble at all (crying along with the cast).
Harry T. Yung BIG SPOILERS from paragraph 4 onwardsWhile the Romance has been around for decades in Hollywood, evolving in its top-of-Empire-State-Building style from Kerr/Grant (An Affair to Remember, 1957) to Ryan/Hanks (Sleepless in Seattle, 1993), the Korean Romance has over the last few years attracted some global attention as a new genre.The recent onslaught of Korean movies came in genre as varied as you can imagine: spy thriller, historical adventure, analytical murder thriller, Matrix-like wire-fu fantasy, serious and sexually explicit controversial drama, hilarious name it. These have met with various degree of success, but there is always a faint trace of Hollywood in them. In is in the Romance that Korean movies have achieved a unique identity. A rundown of a few could be: Contact (1997) (not to be confused with Carl Sagan's), Christmas in Autumn (1998), Art Museum by the Zoo (1998), Li Mare (2000), One Fine Spring Day (2001)and finally My Sassy Girl (2001), the most acclaimed and bought by Dreamworks for a Hollywood remake.If I say watching a Korean Romance is like sipping a glass of mild flavoured honey sprinkled with lightly scented lemon peels, I have said absolutely nothing because that very drink itself may taste different to different people. Those who have experienced this genre will no doubt have their own definitions of what it is. What I would say is Lover's Concerto comes a little short when compared with these ones that came before. Still, it is an enjoyable experience, although not as deeply memorable as Christmas in Autumn or as delightfully refreshing as Il Mare.The main plot of Lover's Concerto, which remains hidden until close to the end, is a very familiar one: love in the face of terminal illness. Depiction of the main characters' feelings and emotions in face of death does not have nearly the same depth, care and sensitivity as in Christman in Autumn or My Sassy Girl. Greater attention has been given, instead, to the treatment of the triangle relationship at the beginning and the twists at the end of the movie.The romance element of the relationships is adolescent, which in itself is not a problem. The treatment of the relationships is somewhat shallow in comparison with Contact and Art Museum by the Zoo (which respectively take a tragedy and a comedy approach). The biggest flaw, however, is the feeble pivoting point in the development of the relationships, a letter Ji-hwan asks Kyeong-hie to deliver to Su-in. It's hard to believe that you would rely on someone to take a peek at your private letter to someone else as a mean of announcing your love to the deliverer. That Kyeong-hei would tear up the letter she has been asked to deliver is also most unconvincing. Built on this flawed pivoting point, the rest of the story falls flat.Building a twist in a Romance seems to have become standard after the success of My Sassy Girl, which has done it so seamlessly, with a twist that is both relevant and convincing. The twists in Lover's Concerto however are uninspiring. The fact that both girls are terminally ill is not so much of a twist as a fundamental element of the entire plot. The identity switch, despite the careful build-up, is somewhat contrived, an attempt to introduce dramatic effect to salvage a somewhat weak ending.Although suffering from comparison, Lover's Concerto is an enjoyable movie. The three lead roles are pleasant to watch. Particularly well handled is the friendship between the two girls which touches the audience more than the adolescent love triangle. There is also the usual attention to small details. A good example is the first photograph the audience sees received by Ji-hwan, with a caption by the sender about being kissed. This is a clear clue to the final twist as to which of the two girls has survived.
Killer-40 Because Japanese cult director Takashi Miike is just filming too much (five to six movies a year are no exception) and copying not only old Yakuza movies but also his own style, I left a screening of DEADLY OUTLAW: REKKA at this year's MIFED in anger and went to LOVERS' CONCERTO instead. Oh, how this Korean romanticism once again pleased me! If love could be like this... A young man between two women whose life is pressured by a serious illness that they manage to hide. When the man writes a love letter to one of them, their feelings for each other lead to unexpected turns. As a model to sublime the refusal by a friend this movie reveals not only the power of love letters but also the chance to really become one with a beloved person. It is director Lee Han's (born 1970) debut film and it had a budget of 2.5 m USD. Small means can lead to convincing results.