Love Khichdi
Love Khichdi
| 28 August 2009 (USA)
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A talented Sous-Chef woos a variety of women with a view of using them to try and fulfill his dream.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
chetannaik-10846 Didn't have much expectations but the credit goes to all the crew and the actors for making a good movie out of a regular one. Randeep and Saurabh are entertaining. Go watch it if you haven't.
Sherazade Randeep Hooda is a very good looking man, so it's no surprise that he was cast as a serial-dating womanizer with at least a dozen women battling for his attention. The movie was initially light-hearted, funny and entertaining in its first half but that all falls apart in the second half. It was like the writer ran out of scenarios/ideas and just sent an empty page or pages to the director to shoot. In fact in the last few scenes, Hooda who is usually at the top of his games in all the roles I've seen him essay, looked a bit confused with the lines he had to read, it almost seemed like the director asked him to make up his own words since the writer had left the end pages blank or something. That said, I would like to applaud the following actress for their co- starring work in the film; Rituparna SenGupta for her work as the defiant cougar who catches the eye of our womanizer, Riya Sen as the Lolita next door, complete with her Britney Spears get-ups, Divya Dutta as the landlord's wife who also attracts the eye of our womanizer and the actress who played the maid, because she was so funny. All in all it was a time-pass type film with a rather male chauvinistic message. Watch it but don't pick you role-models from it.
Chrysanthepop It's been a while since I had last seen a refreshing Hindi comedy film. That's what 'Love Khichdi' is. In case one is wondering, khichdi is a kind of dish where rice is cooked with lentils. The result is something yellow and delicious. 'Love Khichdi' is just as delightfully tasteful.Director Srinivas Bhashyam may have been inspired by the fantastic TV series 'Kitchen Confidential' but this is no rip-off nor does it directly copy any scene from the aforementioned series. He stays focused on the lead character Vir, a vagrant womanizer and gifted sous chef, who maintains a no-strings-attached relationship with every woman in his life. Of course not all of them are successful as such is the case with the voluptuous Pammi, the sexy maid Shanta and the sweet girl next door Sandhya. My only minor quibble is that I would have liked to see more development in the story after Vir hears of the engagement of one of the women in his life. I felt the sequences thereafter were a bit rushed.The execution is pretty good. I liked the authentic Indian settings. The sets weren't too lavish, as if one is watching a fairy tale about some rich people. The background score is alright. Even though I did not like the instrumental tracks, they didn't ruin the film for me. The songs were passable except for the fantasy song that has been visualized in portions as Vir or the women fantasize about one another. This song is energetic and just brilliant for the fantasy sequences. The lyrics are hilarious.After a long time, Randeep Hooda gets a great lead part in a worthy movie and he does a good enough job. The luminous Rituparna Sengupta, hilarious Divya Dutta and laugh-out-loud inducing Sonali Kulkarni are terrific. Even Riya Sen is alright (but then again, she's playing a 16 year old bimbo who has a crush on Vir). Sada is very likable and Saurabh Shukla is great.'Love Khichdi' has indeed been a fun watch and I am glad to know that Hindi cinema can still offer us such refreshing comedic treats.
aintwedudes first of all Randeep Hooda is amazing in this movie in fact every character in this movie played their part perfectly well and i know for sure that every guy can relate the randeep's character to themselves. Its good to see a great comedy movie time to time especially if its Indian cuz there aren't many hilarious comedy movies these days made in Indian cinema .I mean there are cheap high budget comedy movies made but they are so bad that you actually ending up laughing up on the movie and not in the movie.So i request everyone of you to go and watch this movie so that Indian cinema could take some serious notes and produce more of these kind of movies which are low budget but still better than millions of high budget movies..SO ENJOY this movie.I am waiting for someone to replace my comments so that i could know that there are guys like me.