Love Is News
Love Is News
NR | 26 February 1937 (USA)
Love Is News Trailers

When a crafty reporter uses false pretenses to get a story out of heiress Tony Gateson, she turns the tables on him, telling the press that they are engaged. Suddenly he's front page news, every salesman is at his doorstep, and he loses his job. A series of misadventures ensues with him alternately back on his job and fired and her ex-fiancé showing up.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
kevin olzak 1937's "Love is News" marked the second film to pair Tyrone Power and Don Ameche ("Ladies in Love" came first), but it was the first to offer Power top billing, which reportedly infuriated leading lady Loretta Young. She definitely comes off worst of the three, as heiress Tony Gateson, tiring of the gossip printed about her, getting even with hot shot reporter Steve Leyton (Power) by offering up a scoop for all the other newspapers, that she and Leyton are engaged. Naturally, this doesn't sit well with her former fiancée (George Sanders), but her uncle (Dudley Digges) plays along so far as to buy an interest in Steve's ailing paper, Don Ameche as the harried editor. The stars are able to carry the thin screwball plot, while the supporting players prove even better, in particular Slim Summerville's judge and Walter Catlett's fellow reporter. Fans of Lon Chaney Jr. will be most disappointed, as what would have been his first film under a two year contract with Fox found his role as an unbilled newsman left on the cutting room floor, a fate repeated in "That I May Live," "Born Reckless," and "Walking Down Broadway."
GManfred Toni Gateson is an heiress with an edge. She flies into town and is hoodwinked by reporter Steve Leyton, who gets an exclusive interview under false pretenses. "OK, you got me", right? No,no. She proceeds to make his life miserable with a series of humiliations, and he responds in kind. Sound funny?Things get far afield. He gets her arrested, and she does the same. As a millionairess, she has breakfast served at her cell and when she is bailed out, she bails him out. He refuses. Soon, he loses his job, is rehired, fired, rehired, etc. to further the comedy. If this all sounds funny, you might like "Judgment At Nuremberg", which is even funnier.If done right, screwball comedy is very funny. For instance, take "The Awful Truth" - now that was funny. This picture tried too hard and was the visual equivalent of fingernails dragged down a blackboard. Tyrone Power and Loretta Young were very attractive and gave it their best, to no avail. Don Ameche was reduced to shouting his lines and slamming down phones as the beleaguered editor in a one-dimensional role which did him no credit. Humorous moments in "Love Is News" were too fleeting for a higher rating.
blanche-2 Three of 20th Century Fox's stars of the late '30s team up for "Love is News" - Tyrone Power, Loretta Young, and Don Ameche. Power plays a clever reporter, Steve Layton, who is after a big story on a $100 million heiress, Toni Gateson (Young). Sick of being hounded night and day by the press, Young turns the tables on him and announces to the world that she and Layton are engaged. It comes as a surprise to him, as it does to his editor, Ameche, and of course, they don't have the story and the rest of the papers do. Layton soon learns that being engaged to Gateson has some perks and also a few things that aren't so great, particularly when the two of them end up in adjacent jail cells.There is a very funny scene in the beginning where Power and Ameche become hysterical laughing as they reminisce about the horrible things they've done to one another. The actors worked together often and make a great team. Young is gorgeous as the heiress, and she and Power are a beautiful couple as usual. This is one of Power's very early films - he was about 23 at the time - and still in his pretty phase. You can't take your eyes off of him when he's on screen - he lights it up.This is a high-energy, pleasant comedy with a delightful cast, though there's nothing particularly unusual about the story. Madcap heiresses abounded in '30s films. Power actually remade this movie with Gene Tierney in 1948 as "That Wonderful Urge." By then, it was tired stuff, and Power was tired of these roles. But here, it's three young stars on top of the world, and you can't beat the spirit with which they imbue "Love is News."
olebuttermilksky5 this is one of those fast talking reporter movies that makes you laugh a lot-- and wish that you were a reporter...or an heiress. when steve tricks Toni into giving him an interview she tells all the other papers in town that they're engaged to show him what it feels like to be a "public freak". they fight it out throughout the entire movie..trying to outwit the other the whole way. they end up in jail together, in mud puddles, steve gets caught with his pants off and Toni deals with her ex husband, the Count. and of course they fall in love...choosing not to admit it to the other. it's a pretty cute movie if you like romance, comedy, tyrone power, don ameche and/or loretta young.