Louis Theroux: The Most Hated Family in America
Louis Theroux: The Most Hated Family in America
| 24 April 2007 (USA)
Louis Theroux: The Most Hated Family in America Trailers

Louis meets the Phelps family — the people at the heart of the controversial Westboro Baptist Church. The Phelps have rabid anti-homosexual beliefs, and often campaign at the funerals of American soldiers. They believe that every tragedy in the world is God's punishment for homosexuality.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
haphazard72 This was a good documentary and I think Louis and his crew should be commended for their efforts. It must've been hard to immerse himself in their lives and not feel angry. Would love to see and hear his thoughts and reactions at the end of each day of filming...As for the the family, it just scares me that they believe all this hate. This is a cult, it's not a church.I listen got their brainwashed messages and just shudder. But I shudder for the kids who clearly have no clue what they're saying or protesting about- that was obvious when they tried to explain their beliefs to Louis.Worth the watch, but be prepared to be a bit saddened, angry and dismayed- all rolled into one.
rzajac This is an example of the best that a documentary film can be.It has an "on-the-fly" sort of feel, but you realize as it rolls out that a lot of pains were taken.It's hard to imagine someone doing a better job of capturing on film the amazing phenomenon which is this peculiar species of religiosity finding full, unalloyed expression in this church family. As a teenager, I dabbled in fundamentalism, and the most amazing thing was how I found this film to be nostalgic. People may watch this and thank god such folks are in such a tiny, inbred minority, but they'd be jumping to a self-satisfied conclusion. The specific, extreme behaviors of the Phelps clan may be isolated to the Phelpses, but the underlying subservience to doctrinal purity on display is way, way more prevalent in American society than is comfortable to admit.For example, we're treated to the spectacle of a tiny kid who quite painfully, obviously doesn't really know what the heck he's picketing. This may shock you... but guess what? If you're reading this in America, there is, probably within about 30km of where you're sitting right now, a church where they're planning or enacting a "baptism" ritual on kids who are too young to have the foggiest what they're really doing. That's not all that far-flung from what you see happening to kids in this flick.*** SPOILER AHEAD *** Perhaps the most amazing thing is how Theroux finds a chink in Fred Phelps' armor. He asks Phelps, "How many children do you have?" and Phelps adroitly--or so he thinks--shrugs it off as unprofessional and irrelevant. But come to find out, it was a theological question after all--and Phelps dodged it. Furthermore, he dodges it by retreating behind a facade of stony, patriarchal isolationism. So, maybe there's hope for the old man, after all! One begins to suspect that the flinty hearted man of doctrinal exactitude act is just a shtick, and it could be a matter of time before he comes around and learns to accept and love again.Perhaps that's the moral of the story--but I wouldn't bet on it. The greatest likelihood is that he'll go down cursing.
tedg I accidentally saw this on a plane. I don't usually watch TeeVee shows, what with all the compromises you have to make. One of those compromises is the subjects that the market demands be chosen. We're trailer park critics. We like to find people with lives so obviously honked around that it makes us feel better about our own only slightly less feeble foundations. Often its a broken celebrity trapped by excess. Just as often it is some group similarly captured. In this case its excess in the opposite direction. These people are obsessed by sex. They are so obsessed that sex means fornication (the word having power only because it was used in the King James translation) and that means homosexual fornication. This is presumed to be widespread and to consist primarily of babyraping or similar unknown devilish things. Everyone not in the group are coconspirators, so they blame us all, and especially the military.Its bizarre, and we allow ourselves to smugly follow these nitwits, this cult. Its embarrassing that this is how we choose to entertain ourselves.Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
TheEmulator23 I found this film/documentary to be truly disgusting, and the people involved in this so-called "Church," to be just the opposite of what Christianity is supposed to be. Before I go any further, I don't believe in the lifestyle that homosexuals have, but at the same time I don't hate them either. I also was raised in the church although I am no longer active in it, and was taught that homosexuality is wrong. I am mixed on the whole gay debate or whatever it is called. Just as the bible says, "He without sin, cast the first stone." I despise the fact that these people are so pathetic/purposeful-less in their lives that they go to funerals of those that have lost members in their family protesting the U.S.A. and their policies. My feelings are that it is terrible that all these children believe in this crap too, because they don't know any different. My biggest complaint is that this "Church" hates the United States so much, well then they should get the hell out of here! They are an insult to all TRUE Americans and are a big reason why so many hate us! I am glad that none of these people have friends outside of their disturbing Hate group/CULT. I just hope that the children someday think for themselves (it's doubtful) and realize that HATE isn't the answer. This was truly well done, and the interviewer is one of the best in the business, and would like to see more of his work here in the States. An overall truly disturbing look at some of the screwed up people here in the U.S.
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