Lost Boy
Lost Boy
| 25 July 2015 (USA)
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When Laura Harris's kidnapped son returns after eleven devastating years, what she thinks will be a dream come true turns out to be a family nightmare.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
edwagreen The beginning of the film shows promise with a woman counseling parents whose children are missing despite the fact that her own son has been gone for ten years.The story is dysfunctional in the fact that she has divorced her husband and she gets along beautifully with the woman he is about to marry who is carrying his child. The children live with the father and that is never explained.The movie begins to take a nosedive with the sudden arrival of the missing son. The mother doesn't want to question him regarding where he has been all these years.When you think that the boy is playing a fast one and is not really their son, we then see his rather bizarre and increasingly violent behavior and we are left to wonder what is going on here.Interesting plot but there are unanswered questions and material hard to fathom.
jlwrising Thank you Lifetime for stepping outside the box a little and bringing us this enjoyable thriller!! I was on the edge of my seat and could never guess where LOST BOY was going...I loved that about it. It was creepy in a really good way and refreshing to see such a deep script reminiscent of that old black and white film THE BAD SEED. I hate when people tell the whole story in reviews so I'll just say, the ending was just right and stayed with me days after.The acting was spot on especially the young man, Matthew Fahey in the lead role and Sosie Bacon as his "sister."I read a couple of surprising reviews here that leave me to wonder if we saw the same movie or if they are even Lifetime regulars. I love Lifetime and I really loved this movie. Keep surprising us with more like it.
cdewan This isn't your grandma's Lifetime movie. LOST BOY is tense, suspenseful, and asks some tough questions that it leaves intentionally unanswered: an entertaining but also unsettling experience, with a strong, nuanced performance by its young male lead.I had doubts about it at the beginning, as the movie seemed to be going down some over-familiar tropes: a mother who's unable to let go of her lost son, a father who's all too eager to let go, the siblings of the lost boy, who have grown up a bit neglected in their brother's shadow, etc.But when the lost son returns, that's just the first of several twists, and before long this movie goes into some deep, interesting, and seldom-asked questions about this family and its sad situation.I found the ending, in particular, very satisfying, and not in a "Hollywood" way: it lingered with me and unsettled me for some time after the credits were done rolling.Way to go, Lifetime, for green-lighting this challenging fare.
aceellaway2010 Not a particularly bad or good film. The only character that interested me was the 2nd wife, who seemed to be trying to behave responsibly and concerned. The ending really made me angry, in a sense they abandoned the "son" was abandoned again. As he is presented at the beginning of the film, as turning "tricks' to survive, one assumes that he will be back working the sex trade at the end, until drugs/ death or Aids gets him. If he survives then h will find the market drying up as he gets older.Admittedly he exhibits anti-social and frightening behavior. But the DNA questions I viewed as his uncertainty that if he turned out not to be the missing son, then he would be abandoned, so rather than run the risk he tried to ensure the result by trying to get DNA form the younger brother. The anger and resentment displayed at the end. Well, as they never bothered to try and deal with the past- even though the father at least was presented with some of the details of his sexual abuse and torture, he was not given counseling-it was not even mentioned. We don't know at the end if he is really the son or not, but when both parents make the decision to just not pursue it or him, the feeling of emptiness and hopelessness I felt for the boy's character was upsetting. "Ok he's a problem let's just abandon him" was the message I got.