Loose in London
Loose in London
| 24 May 1953 (USA)
Loose in London Trailers

The Bowery Boys take on British crooks when one of them thinks he's inherited a title.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
classicsoncall As if the Bowery Boys didn't create enough havoc on the streets of New York, they bring their brand of merry mayhem to London when Sach (Huntz Hall) discovers that he's an heir to the fortune of the British Earl of Walsingham. With his pals and Sweet Shop owner Louie (Bernard Gorcey) in tow, the boys head on over across the pond to make Sach's claim.You know, if you think about it, the inept family members of the Earl (Walter Kingsford) could have prevented Sach from becoming principal heir if they only did their homework ahead of time and prevented the solicitor from ever making it to America. I guess then we wouldn't have had a story, or get to see them even more inept when their plans of taking out the Earl and the Boys goes down the tubes.With Slip's (Leo Gorcey) malapropisms kept to a minimum, Sach takes up the slack with his dazzling display of British history and knowledge of London's landmarks. A quick flashback instructs how one of his ancestors wound up banished to the Colonies in the first place, so at least there was that one non-sensical bit attempting to establish his English heritage.Well, with Lady Marcia (Angela Greene) failing to foil Sach's favor with the Earl, and the inept family assassins dropping like flies, the Boys might have been successfully transplanted to the English version of the Bowery, whatever that might have been. But just in the nick of time, Scotland Yard arrives on the scene to make the save, though it all turns out for naught. Seems that the wrong Horace Debussy Jones was contacted as a relative to the Earl. You mean there were two of them?
sol1218 ***SPOILERS*** The "Bowery Boys" get the startling news from British solicitor Allison J. Higby, at Louie Dumbrowsky's Sweet Shop in the Bowery that one of their illustrious members Sach or Horace Dumbussy Jones, as he's legally known as, is related to the filthy rich English Earl of Walsingham! It turns out that this guy-the Earl-is loaded to the gills owning coal mines in Wessex textile mills in Essex an exclusive sporting lodge, that the British Royal Family members attends annually, in Sussex and to round things off is part owner of an NBA Basketball team in Phoenix!Getting on the first boat sailing for jolly old England the boys, Slip Sach Butch & Chuck, together with Louie Dumbrowsky who was a stowaway, by getting himself smashed at the going away party and forgetting to leave the boat, on board finally get to Walsingham Castel only to find out that the Earl's, who's on his deathbed, fortune is to be divided among his greedy relatives who in fact, by slipping poison in his medication, are tying to murder him. Sach for his part brings the Earl back to health by substituting his "medication" with ice cream and cookies that makes his relatives mad as hell. So mad that they plan to do Sach as well as the Earl in before he changes his will and leaves everything, the sporting lodge coal mines textile mills and basketball team, over to Sach!***SPOILERS*** The "Bowery Boys" go into action foiling the Earl of Walsingham's relatives from murdering him but the Earl now on his feet and ready for action, due to Sach treating him, does a pretty good job himself with his Olympic caliber fencing skills. The sad thing about all this is in the end when all the dust is cleared and the Earl safely out of harms way it turns out that Sach is not the Horace Dembussy Jones who's related to him. That's a guy named Jones in far off Australia! And what do you think Sach & the "Bowery Boys" together with Louie get for all the trouble they went through in saving the Earl's life from the grateful Earl, who's worth billions, himself? A measly 1,000 pound sterling which isn't even pocket change for him! That lousy and ungrateful cheapskate!
lzf0 It is with this film that the focus of the Bowery Boys movies becomes pure comedy. The change from gangster melodramas to comedy is gradual, and many of the Jan Grippo and Jerry Thomas films which precede this one point in the direction of comedy. Ben Schwab, the new producer of the series, wanted a purer sense of comedy. After doing "Jalopy", which used the regular writers and the regular director, William "One Take" Beaudine, Schwab replaced them with Ed Bernds and Elwood Ullman. These men had been working on Three Stooges shorts for years. Ullman was always a writer and Bernds had started as a sound effects man and had graduated to writer-director. The Bernds directed Columbia short comedies are usually superior to the ones produced at the same time by Jules White. Bernds and Ullman brought their short subject slapstick comedy style to the Bowery Boys and this produced the funniest movies in the series. Sure, the stories might have been better before, but the formula of someone walking in Louie's Sweet Shop and taking the boys out of their element was a great set-up for slapstick comedy. The focus of the films became Leo Gorcey and Huntz Hall; Bernard Gorcey is given better material, but David Gorcey and Bennie Bartlett slip more into the background or even out of the films. Schwab also replaced longtime musical director Edward Kay, whose music consists of transformations of "Sidewalks of New York" and "B" western clichés, with the more modern and comic sound of Marlin Skiles.
wes-connors An English messenger arrives at the "Sweet Shop" with some startling news - harebrained Huntz Hall (as Horace Debussy "Sach" Jones) is the blue-blooded heir to a potential fortune. To claim his prize, Mr. Hall sails to jolly old England, to meet his worldly relatives, and divvy up the riches. Of course, "Bowery Boys" leader Leo Gorcey (as Terrence Aloysius "Slip" Mahoney) accompanies Hall, as financial adviser and extended pinkie trainer. Other travelers include David "Condon" Gorcey (as Chuck Anderson), Benny Bartlett (as Butch Williams), and reluctant stowaway Bernard Gorcey (as Louie Dumbrowsky). In Hall's ancestral castle, relatives plot to get rid of the competition. Cheap, obvious, and occasionally funny.**** Loose in London (5/24/53) Edward Bernds ~ Huntz Hall, Leo Gorcey, Bernard Gorcey, Norma Varden