Lone Rider
Lone Rider
| 08 April 2008 (USA)
Lone Rider Trailers

Bobby Hattaway (Lou Diamond Phillips), an honored soldier, returns home after the American Civil War to find his father's (Stacy Keach) formerly prosperous ranch now dangerously in debt to the town's ruthless leader, and Bobby's childhood friend, Stu Croker (Vincent Spano). Bobby will now face off against his former friend to take control from Stu.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
FightingWesterner Lou Diamond Phillips returns from the Civil War to find his childhood friend Vincent Spano cheating homesteaders of their money, property, and sometimes their lives as well. Things heat up when Phillips helps his father Stacy Keach out of Spano's crooked scheme, a scheme that demands Keach's homestead.Lone Rider is fairly derivative, though well produced, with good photography and direction. I can't help but like it, though I wish the straight-forward script were both more complex and lively.As far as the players go, Phillips and Keach are always entertaining, whatever they're in, while Spano makes a good villain, even though we never find out exactly what makes his character tick.Tom Schanley, who plays Phillips' Army buddy, stands out among the supporting players. Although I don't know him as an actor, he's pretty good.The title of Lone Rider is a misnomer, as Phillips doesn't do much riding and has plenty of help throughout the movie.
rstone-27 Normally I'm not one to watch a lot of Lou Diamond Philip movies due to the fact that I'm just not one of his fans and really do NOT particularly like the way he acts. To give credit where credit is due, I will say that this is a good western for modern times. I've watched such bad westerns that were put out with glowing reviews and was just stunned to see the trash thats out there. Here is just one example:6 Reasons Why -- the worst of the worst --Don't waste your time on that one, there are others - This however, is one that was not a waste of time for a western.I gave it a 5 because I did enjoy watching a new western. Its nothing new, no new story line, a Hero, Villains, and a couple of women to make it interesting.
Michael O'Keefe If not for Lou Diamond Phillips this would be a mediocre made for TV western. Phillips plays Bobby Hattaway, a decorated soldier on his way home to the family business and his long time sweetheart. Bobby finds that his childhood friend Stu Croker(Vincent Spano)has pretty well taken control of every business in town and holds mortgage on Bobby's dad's homestead and mercantile. Plus he has wed Bobby's sweetheart Connie(Cynthia Preston)and treats her like trash. There is hell to pay when the elder Hattaway(Stacy Keach)is murdered. Bobby's army buddy(Tom Schanley)arrives in time to help take the town back from Croker. Also in the cast: Angela Alvarado, Terry Maratos and Mike Starr.
TallPineTree What a disappointment. I like Lou Diamond Phillips, and he and some other actors try, but the script, direction, and editing are terrible.All the characters are one dimensional. The villain is so totally mean and one dimensional that one cannot fathom that he was Phillip's character's best friend when they were younger.I wonder if the script was longer and it was butchered to fit into a 2 hour time slot on TV? Or was the script so bad this was all the director had to work with? Or was the editor at fault in fitting the movie into a 2 hour time slot? A number of scenes come so rapid fire to establish continuity and move the plot along, but they are so short and jarring that I wondered what I was missing.For example, Phillips's character gets a woman he is interested in for a picnic. Cut to his cousin getting waylaid, robbed, and beaten. Cut to Phillips returning from the picnic to learn the news his cousin was robbed and beaten and was now at the doctor's place. Cut to talk with his family at the doctor's place about what happened (with no interaction with the cousin). Cut to two of the villain's henchmen beating up a homesteader and tieing him to a tree. Phillip's character witnesses it from a distance. (wait a minute, why is Phillip's wandering the countryside when he should be concerned about his cousin and retribution?) Henchmen ride off. Phillip's rides in and cuts the homesteader loose. The next we know Phillip's speaks with the sheriff to learn the sheriff won't do anything because he says the homesteader won't press charges and Phillip's wasn't there to witness the beating.All the above happens over the course of a few minutes. There is a lot that could be expanded in each scene to give the scene weight, but isn't. Therefore none of it has any emotional resonance and is almost a montage, or could have been done by talking to explain situations. The actual picnic scene should have been there to establish a relationship between Phillips and the woman. I'm not sure why Phillips is attracted to this woman - could she be the only single woman in town not working at the saloon? Speaking of the woman, from the movie she worked for another business woman, yet in trying to remember her character name, IMDb apparently lists her a "Saloon girl". No... in the movie she has a conversation with the saloon owner about not working for him.The fight scenes are poorly shot and edited. Lots of closeups and quick edits. The gunfights are dumb and lame.The villain's wife spends half her screen time running around in corsets and bloomers with a drink in her hand, but somehow the movie can't even make that have a hint of sexiness.Bad, bad, bad.