| 24 April 2005 (USA)
Locusts Trailers

Dr. Maddy Rierdon, an investigator for the Department of Agriculture, is the only person who can protect America from a deadly breed of bioengineered locusts.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Paul Cartwright Just finished watching this and its a pretty bad film. A poor storyline, a rubbish script, and another low budget film where everything goes well for the good, and the bad get punished or learn a "valuable" lesson (even though really it was the leading female characters fault for closing down the research in the first place). The leading female character is always right and seems to be an expert in every field telling people what do (another low budget trait). This film just regurgitates all the bad things about low budget disaster movies. Its a shame because if this had been directed and scripted in more of a unique way, it could have brought back feelings of the old B movies about bugs etc.
spatula_head Swarms of mutant grasshoppers crack windows. Sometimes, sometimes not.Swarms of mutant grasshoppers threaten to smother the children of *coughs* plot elements.Swarms of mutant grasshoppers blot out the sun and threaten all life on earth.All their mutant billions are miraculously killed in a few seconds by fiddling the power lines of the Midwest.It is difficult to describe the jaw-dropping awfulness of Locusts nor is there any point in attempting the job. Gotta be seen. It is the Plan 9 of the current generation and is very highly recommended.
klburch28 I enjoyed watching this movie, although I may never look at locusts quite the same way again. I enjoyed watching the performance of Lucy Lawless, Dylan Neal, John Heard, and Mike Farrell. Lucy Lawless was outstanding as Dr. Maddie Rierdon, a woman who is both intelligent and resourceful and who, because of who she is, has to put the welfare of those endangered by the locusts before her relationship with her husband. This movie caused me brought up some slightly disturbing thoughts about what the people or a governments might do in order to put a stop to something that's out of their control. That is, unless they're forced to seek other, less damaging (to the citizens)alternatives. On another note, I sincerely hope one of those bugs didn't really fly into Lucy's mouth as the movie showed. If it did, I feel sorry for her. That had to be disgusting.
info-3519 Wow. Nice concept, but... terrible dialog throughout most of it. A lot of the CG seriously sucked and most of the acting was surprisingly disappointing. All in all, this movie was good for a few laughs, just like most b-movies are.One thing stood out though... Stacey, the office birthday girl. What in heaven's name was some one of her calibur doing in a low budget cheese fest like this?! Despite some of the silly dialog ("...and a bag of chips."), she was believable as her character and shined through. That was the best acting in the entire movie! Can you believe this is the same girl who played the mentally challenged girl in "Heart of the Storm"?! At the pace she is going, Azure Dawn will be a household name in the not too distant future.