Little Witches
Little Witches
R | 23 December 1996 (USA)
Little Witches Trailers

Six misfit schoolgirls at an all-girl Catholic high school, left alone at the school for Easter week, get mixed up with the occult and witchcraft after an old Satanic temple is found underneath the church where they attend as well as an old book of black magic spells for conjuring up an ancient demon from the pits of Hell. Janie, the most characteristic and cruelest of the girls, takes charge of the group and plots to resurrect the demon using a series of black arts spells, while one innocent girl, Faith, has a change of heart and tries to stop them from completing their spell which also includes a human sacrifice.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
jlbat-674-76175 I think someone made a mistake and released their home movies by mistake. This film gives a whole new meaning to the term "low-budget." The beginning was a bit confusing and lacked context. The plot was pedestrian and derivative of similar, better, films. The acting was uneven largely because the 'girls' were at differing levels of skill and talent. Even the nude scene was banal and boring, which is a very difficult feat to achieve. It's difficult to imagine how this film could be saved. The cast should apologize to anyone who has the misfortune of watching this drivel. The only really interesting thing about this film is Clea DuVall's ass.
Son_of_Mansfield There is a scene in this movie where where the group of girls play naked ring around the cauldron. It may be the most exciting scene in the movie, if you block out the one very large girl. This rip-off of The Craft is duller than a church on Sunday. The picture on the poster even looks like Fairuza Balk. There isn't anything to watch except for the curiosity of seeing an early Clea Duvall, a naughty Sherri Rappaport, and a nunny Jennifer Rubin. The plot is basically the same as The Craft, a group of girls play with magic and pay for it, but without any decent actors or good effects, it's forgettable. My favorite scene is Rappaport's topless dance in her Catholic school girl outfit, for obvious reasons.
Lacywhitus I loved this movie..... It had the right ammount of rage and teen angst in it. The whole freaky nun thing was silly, but none the less added to the entertainment value of "little witches" I would say, go rent's a good laugh.
MooCowMo "Little Witches" is one of those silly, sloppy, T&A-loaded Straight-To-Video "B" Horror flicks that you just gotsta luv!! :=8) It sports poor fx, hilarious dialogue, inane black magic mumbo-jumbo, loads of "B" actors you've seen in udder flicks, and copious amounts of nekkid catholic school girl flesh. It's one of those kinda moovies that the herd luvs to pop into the vcr late at night, with a greasy pizza and a 6-pack of moo juice, knowing full well that their brains will not be required for the next 90 minutes or so. In which a gaggle of giggling school girls, left to rot over Easter break at their Catholic boarding school, discover the "black arts", and summon the Big Evil Dude to do the nekkid cow boogie. ;=8) Faith(Mimi Reichmeister) is the sweet, smart, virginal, heroic snugglebunny who just wants to do the right thing; naturally, she saves the day when the Giant Evil Scaly 3-Mouthed Demon Thing comes for munchies. Jamie(Sheeri Rappaport, appearances in "NYPD Blue" & "Xena" tv shows)is the naughty, abused bad girl, who spends moost of the film without clothing, and who gets dragged to hell for being a slutty, power-hungry b**ch. The sharp-eyed will spot Clea DuVall(Invisible Girl in tv's "Buffy:The Vampire Slayer", "The Faculty")in the gaggle, who gets skewered by a scaly demon horn. Snuggly "B" starlet Jennifer Rubin("A Nightmare on Elm Street 3", "The Crush", "Screamers")plays a nun(yeah, right...)who is also the Guardian of the Book That Summons the Giant Evil Scaly 3-Mouthed Demon Thing, and also sports a nifty tattoo! Jack Nance(tv's "Twin Peaks", "Love and a .45") plays a soon-to-be sliced up priest, and good ol' Zelda Rubenstein ("Poltergeist") plays a tiny poisoned nun with a red splotch on her head. The herd howled over such cheesy dialogue as: "Do you have any sins of a non-dietary nature?", and "This is an ancient book of black spells - AND IT REALLY WORKS!". If silly "B" fun, coupled with oodles of nekkid cuties, is what yer after, then the MooCow is here to tell ya this is yer twisted cup of java. Haphazardly directed by Jane Simpson (Simpson, eh...), and sporting moore gaping plot holes than Kathy Lee Gifford's reputation, "Little Witches" is no "Sixth Sense", but believe me you won't mind. The MooCow says order up a double pepperoni & fire up the vcr for "Little Witches", and let the silliness roll! ;=8)