Little Devils: The Birth
Little Devils: The Birth
| 27 August 1993 (USA)
Little Devils: The Birth Trailers

The Little Devils are mini-masters of mayhem, created by an evil scientist. Dr. Lionel discovers an ancient mudpot from Hell, returning home with samples of it. Unfortunately, he has been possessed, and begins to sculpt Gargoyles, later giving them life. Of course, they then go about killing people and wreaking havoc.

JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Leofwine_draca GREMLINS. I didn't think it was a particularly great film – in fact I preferred the sequel. But it was certainly popular, and it spawned an inordinate amount of rip-offs from GHOULIES to CRITTERS and even MUNCHIES(!). But the cheapest, cheesiest, dumbest rip-off has definitely got to be LITTLE DEVILS: THE BIRTH, a no-budget hopeless attempt at film-making which was marketed as the first in the series but died on release, meaning that no sequels followed. And we can thank goodness for small mercies in relation to that one. But for some strange, bizarre, muddy reason, I really enjoyed watching this attempt at movie-making; in fact I got a real kick out of it. It's one of those films I watched as a kid, and returned to in adult life out of curiosity. And hey, what do you know, the film is actually pretty decent despite the odds stacked against it.The film has a great script. No, I'm serious. The lead writes cheesy porn for a living so there is plenty of interest out of that. The actor playing him doesn't take things too seriously and there's plenty of comedy for him to get involved in, so you end up liking him. There are many diverse and bizarre characters in support, from the criminal and his goon to the bizarre homeless gang. Russ Tamblyn (remember him from WEST SIDE STORY?) is in it too, as 'Doc', a good buddy who helps fight off the critters once the action starts. Tamblyn genuinely appears to be enjoying himself and having a laugh about it all, which transfers across to the viewer nicely. Stella Stevens also turns up in a manic turn as an ageing temptress who wanders around in black leather bondage gear. Although she was pushing sixty when this film was made, there's something about her presence you can't help but enjoy.It takes a heck of a time for the action to start, but see, I enjoyed the build-up more than the pay-off. The script manages to retain interest and there are some fun, cheesy effects to enjoy, especially the little monsters. I kinda thought they might use stop-motion but no, instead we get hand-held puppets instead. Oh well. There's a gore scene where a lady gets her face dissolved, a fair few people getting burnt, and plenty of squishy dissolutions come the climax when the monsters are dissolved with lemonade. Yes, you heard me right.Okay, so to put it bluntly, this film is a piece of junk. But who cares? It knows it is, and takes the mickey out of itself, so you can't help but get into the spirit of things. Me, I enjoyed the heck out of it, much more than if I were watching some middling horror flick like SCREAM 2. It just has that atmosphere about it which makes it irresistible. Give it a chance if you're willing to keep your tolerance level high; you might find yourself being pleasantly surprised.
PsychoKlown I loved this movie i thought it was great. As you might know if you read my comment on demonic toys, i really like low budget horror movies that have virtually no plot and is all about the gore. The devils are great they run around with flamethrowers laughing there demon heads off as they mercilessly burn their victims. The victims are a typical bunch of losers from the mad scientist to the sex maniac land-lady the latter by the way you will be glad when she gets it. I have to say though i found the devils to be cute & funny with their glowing red eyes and their mischievous laugh, this could just be my twisted sense of humour but still. Anyway i recommend this to other fans of low budget horrors you WILL enjoy it!
Svartgrim In the beginning of the movie, you have a few hopes for that it will be interesting to watch. After about twenty minutes, your hopes are gone. Completely. This movie is silly, one of all the bad movies that mixes comedy and horror. It doesn't even seem that the writer had the intend to be serious with this film...Don't see this movie.
Renaldo Matlin During the end credits Russ Tamblyn is enjoying a beer with Mark Price and then he sums it up, with the only good line in the film: "I feel like I've just made a B-movie!"Had he said F-movie the irony would have worked.And had it NOT been for the charm of veteran star Tamblyn and a weird career move by Stella Stevens as a horny landlady, this low-budget stinker would have NO redeeming qualities what-so-ever.The biggest laugh comes from the title "The Birth". Like anyone would ever bother making a sequel to these "Little Devils"?! Gee..wiz...