Liquid Bridge
Liquid Bridge
| 22 May 2003 (USA)
Liquid Bridge Trailers

Nick McCallum is mechanic who trades in his wrench for a surfboard, going against the wishes of his father– a former surfing legend who lost his ability to walk after a horrible accident on the water.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
David-Kappel Well I have to rate this movie with at least 4 stars as I would get mad due to the money spent on it if I had to admit that it only deserves 2 (which it does!).I didn't expect anything spectacular. I thought it might be a meaningless but entertaining flick with some good surfing in it. Unfortunately it wasn't! I bought a German version of it. I don't know why but it's called "Gefährliche Brandung 2: Liquid Bridge" over here which makes you believe it has at least anything to do with the first one (Gefährliche Brandung: point break). Well it hasn't. Unluckily it hasn't anything in common with it either.The movie itself is pretty boring. There is not much happening and unlike others I couldn't find any touching moments. I didn't care about the bloke and his dad. Neither did I care about the french chick (though I gotta admit she was cute) who left her boyfriend (for whom I actually felt more sympathy than for the main character).The scene in which a girl gets hit by a lightning and glows blue afterward has already caught enough attention in here but it really is ridiculous indeed.The worst thing though was, that the surf scenes seemed just to be taken off some other surf movies and had nothing to do with the actual movie. There were far to less surf scenes in it anyway.After watching the movie in German I wanted to give it another try and watch it in English especially as I like the Australian accents but I had to discover that the German subtitles cannot be turned off. That made me mad and so I didn't watch it again.All in all the movie is okay when you are bored and haven't got to do anything anyway but don't expect it to change your state of mind.
els-8 I've never surfed in my life but after watching Liquid Bridge at the Sanctuary Cove Film Festival in Australia, I felt like riding these waves instantly. The visuals are of such intensity that it's not Nick (the main character) riding them, but you. You can feel your legs working. Some stunning photography and powerful visuals like the massive rolling waves, some of the jail scenes, the shower scene and exotic late afternoons. Also some well directed, touching scenes between Nick and his jail mentor and (especially later in the film) Nick and his girlfriend. Nick performed well and so did his mother. A topper.A joyful escape from the drudgery of life.
p_hendrix Liquid Bridge has everything - Big Waves, steamy love scenes, a gripping story and wonderful visuals. Supported by great acting and a rockin' sound track, LB delivers like a perfect wave peeling at Pipeline! At last, a film about surfing that actually works!!
Arithon Unfortunately, this movie will probably never be shown in Canada. I'll have to wait for it to come out on DVD/VHS. From what my e-pals tell me it is a great film. As well, the trailer looks great! I am perplexed as why M. Lani john Tupu is not given credit :((((